20. Quidditch & the boy in the black suit

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"Show off!"

The boy sped past her on his broom, throwing a wink her way as she crossed her arms. The girl grabbed the broom as the boy circled back around again, his arm outstretched to get her in the face yet again.

Eleonora managed to swerve away just in time as his powdered hand only smeared against her arm.

"You're good!", Cedric exclaimed as he stopped midway. Turning back around to meet the girl, a paint-smeared red hand smacked his face and the boy yelped in surprise.

"That was evil!", the boy cried out. He wiped his eyes on his sleeves, transferring the red paint to his clothes.

Eleonora cackled at the sight of the red marks on his face, adding to the paint extending all the way down to his collar bones.
"You're the one who went to the face first!", Eleonora shouted back, chuckles interrupting her train of words as she enjoyed every bit of the moment.

"Calling this a tie".

"No way", Eleonora protested. "You've only gotten one time in my face and the others had just grazed my arm. Meanwhile". The girl pointed at the boy. The red streaks were concentrated on his face and on the center of his t-shirt.
"I think the winner is obvious".

Cedric stared the girl down, a smile tugging on his lips. "You could almost pass as a patronus with that blue paint on your cheeks."

"I still won!" Eleonora landed on the ground as Cedric followed suit, the two wiping their sweat on their sleeves that were already smeared with paint.

"I still don't understand why you wouldn't join the quidditch team. I've been asking you all summer".

"Maybe I will and maybe I won't. I don't think I'm up to par with the other players".

Cedric huffed in annoyance, taking the broom from her and walking towards the house. "That's ridiculous".

"We've only been playing paint-tag. It doesn't mean I'll be any good at quidditch but", she paused, holding up her finger as Cedric attempted to argue. "I'll think about it".

"Just promise me you will". He walked back up to her. Cedric stood close so that the girl had to look up at him.

Eleonora nodded, prodding him in his chest. "If you say so".

Cedric smiled triumphantly. Without warning, the boy crushed her in a hug but Eleonora did not resist and let herself sink into it.
"I'm so glad you're here", he spoke softly.

Elen smiled, nodding her head in agreement. "Me too. Thank you for having me".

Cedric pulled away but kept his hands on her shoulders so that they were still close. "You're always welcome here. My father pretty much loves you more than me".

"Now that's impossible Cedric", the girl chuckled, shaking her head. Amos Diggory, no doubt , had been excited to have her but in no way would she replace his beloved son. The man always found ways to praise him and it consistently brought a smile to her face as she watched his fondness only grow. Mrs. Diggory hadn't been any different. And the woman had always followed Elen around, watching out for her and serving her plenty of food.

Especially after the fainting spell she have had at their home one night, the parents had grown extra cautious of her. Definitely not more than Cedric ofcourse, who had refused to leave her side the whole night while she slept.

Eleonora smiled up at the boy. "I like your parents as well Cedric".

The boy's head titled, an amused smile growing on his face.
"That doesn't include me?"

Fawley pretended to think. And the action earned a punch in her arm.
Eleonora broke into an impish laugh, all the while being held tight in Cedric's arms as the boy threatened the girl with an arm around her neck.

She broke off of his hold and assumed a fighting stance with fists up and ready to fight. Cedric chuckled, shaking his head at the girl. The boy wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Elen instantly relaxed her hands.
The two walked in the direction of the house. Amos stood at the door way, a wide smile on his face which the girl returned.
"Better get to sleep early kids. We must be up at dawn tomorrow".


Eleonora grabbed onto the tree branch with her left hand as Cedric hauled her up with her right. She huffed as she carefully settled down against the trunk, adjusting her two feet so that she wouldn't fall off.
She looked off to her side as she could see tiny figures in the distance and Cedric nodded his head as she turned to him.

The figures were slow as they made their way up the hill, some collapsing on the ground as their feet undoubtedly got caught in rabbit holes and slipped on mud.
Cedric had already found the port key so Eleonora only had to watch as the Weasleys made the agonizing walk up the hill.

The Quidditch world Cup was being held that year and Amos had been kind to include Eleonora in their visit and the girl was more than grateful. Quidditch hadn't been her main forte but she had gotten plenty of practice in France and had a growing interest in it. The championship was just the thing to encourage her to try out for Gryffindor's team. Atleast that was what Cedric had told her. And Fawley was willing to give it a chance.

The crew grew to a close and Amos walked ahead to greet them.
"This is Amos Diggory", the Weasleys' father introduced the man as the children smiled in reply. "He works with me in the ministry".

Cedric suddenly jumped off the tree, landing smoothly on his feet. Eleonora swiftly followed, but her landing wasn't as perfect as the boy had to grab onto her as her legs almost gave out.

"This lad must be Cedric". Mr Weasley shook the boy's hand before turning to the girl. "And you must be Eleonora Fawley". He held out his hand which Nora took, returning his genuine smile.

She turned to look at the crowd and smiled when her eyes met that of Hermione's and Ginny's.
As the 2 girls glanced at Cedric and exchanged looks, Eleonora did not miss to mouth a disgusted no their way. It only brought out chuckles in the two young girls as they stared at the senior boy once again.

"Come on now. Let's get moving", Mr Weasley spoke and the children began their trek again.

The crowd approached an old boot and Cedric motioned her to grab it. The number of people and their bulky backpacks were a tight fit but Eleonora managed to lay a finger against the leather. Cedric reinforced her grip by placing two fingers over hers, making sure she wouldn't let go at the wrong moment.

Hermione raised her brows at the gesture, throwing an amused smile that Eleonora did not miss. Fawley only rolled her eyes choosing to ignore the girl.
Mr Weasley counted down and then it had happened immediately. Elen shut her eyes tight. Nausea crept up her throat as her feet no longer touched the ground. Eleonora gulped down the vomit that pooled at the back of her throat. It felt like being picked up with a hook and whirled around recklessly. An involuntary scream left her lips as she cowered under Cedric's hold.

A voice shouted over the howling wind to let go and that was exactly what Eleonora did.

The breath got knocked out of her as she hit the ground and any nausea she had before was instantly kicked out. The girl clutched her side as she groaned and turned to face the sky. Three figures landed in a dignified fashion on their two feet, with not even a stumble in their steps.

"You couldn't have taught me that before?". Eleonora complained as Cedric helped her up. The boy chuckled, adjusting the straps of his bag. "It takes experience", he replied with an apologetic smile. Diggory moved to help Harry up who was right next to her as Eleonora continued to mumble complaints.

The group took some time to reorganize themselves before setting off to their respective fields. Eleonora bid Hermione and the Weasleys farewell before joining Cedric and Amos in their tent. It was extremely spacious compared to its exterior and the girl was grateful for her own private space behind a set of curtains. Setting her things down she proceeded to get ready for the event, her heart pumping rapidly even before the Games had started.


Adorned in both red and green as Eleonora couldn't decide who to support, she joined the Weasleys as they headed over to the rows of shops. Cedric, Amos and Mr Weasley headed over to the souvenirs as the children crowded around the food, simply salivating at the sight.

As Ron counted the price and Hermione kept the twins at bay as they attempted to sneak some jellies into their bags, Eleonora peered over their shoulders - the food pleasing her olfactory senses.

She suddenly looked back as she heard someone call out her name. But all she could see was a mass of bodies focused on their own tasks. She watched the crowd waiting for another call out but there was none. Eleonora took the chocolate that was shoved into her arms and looked back to the stalls but there was the voice again.

The girl stuffed the candies into her pockets and pushed her way into the crowd, eager to find out the source. She peered over shoulders, looked through gaps between people and stared right at people's faces but no one showed any intention of getting her attention. She bumped into a few people who did not hide their profanities but one figure held her by her shoulders as she did. Eleonora looked up, a chuckle escaping her lips at the sight of the boy.

"Fancy seeing you everywhere I go", she exclaimed, taking a step back from the boy. "I really should watch where I'm going".

A hint of a smile showed on the blond's face and Malfoy let the girl go. He resumed to look around him urgently, his eyes growing wide as he wiped his palms against his trousers. It took him a while to reply, gradually relaxing his tensed figure.
"Yeah. What's got you so distracted?"

"The food. And I thought I heard someone call my name which is why I'm here", she gestured to the people around her. Eleonora raised her brow expectantly and Malfoy shook his head.

"It wasn't me who called out your name".

Nora pursed her lips and nodded. She rocked on the balls of her feet as she constantly looked around her. Draco did the same as he pretended to inspect his sleeves.

The action didn't go unnoticed and Fawley smiled as she observed the boy.
"I feel underdressed", the girl teased, pulling on her red t-shirt. Eleonora then looked pointedly at his black suit. Heat rose to her cheeks at the sight. No doubt the boy looked quite charming. If only she could say the same about how he acted sometimes.

"No no". Malfoy fumbled with his sleeves and trousers, shaking his head as he spoke. "I just like it". He cleared his throat, bringing his gaze up to look at her. "Suits. I like suits".

"Right". Eleonora smiled. She looked over to the stall as the Weasleys were almost done getting snacks and drinks. She looked back to the boy, who only fidgeted in his spot and let his gaze wonder.

"Well I'll be on my way then. It was nice meeting you here Malfoy". Eleonora smiled at the boy who only nodded in reply.
"Enjoy the match yeah?" She took several steps back and bid the boy farewell before leaving.

She joined Cedric and the others at the stalls, accepting the food that was handed to her gratefully. When she looked around, the boy was no longer where he had been before and had disappeared into the crowd.

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