23. The Unforgiveable lesson

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Eleonora cruised through her classes for the day, sharing some with Hermione, one alone and some others with Ron who she didn't sit with. They weren't exactly on speaking terms and it was still rather awkward to be alone with just the two of them. A short glance was all that was shared during the lessons. The boy still found it hard to trust her so Elen wasn't going to bother forcing him. If he wanted to, Ron would put the effort to believe her. Until then, she was fine with where they were.

Eleonora made her way to the class that most students were excited about and honestly the girl could say the same, except it was mainly curiosity.
She took a seat at the end of a middle row, dismissing Hermione's apologetic smile about not saving a seat.

DADA have had their own share of annually changing Professor's according to Hermione and while Lupin had been the best, an Auror should definitely be better - it is what anyone had been talking about until the day had finally come by.

Eleonora rested her head on the table, looking to her left as students filed into the room.

A group approached her bench and with further observation, Eleonora felt her heart drop at the identical green eyes looking right at her. Two of the three slytherin boys took the seats next to her on the bench and the girl averted her gaze to the front as Theodore Nott turned to look at her.

At that point, Eleonora could barely breathe. She straightened her posture and hugged her books closer to her. She attempted to ignore his presence but it grew difficult as the boy laughed and conversed with his friends, muttering incoherent words that Eleonora could not hear clearly.

She shut her eyes and naturally had her back turned to the boys, praying to whatever God was out there to spare any interaction. Fawley had no clue why she feared the boy. He is the nephew of the man she quite possibly killed and if pureblood families were as tight nit as everyone says they are, then Theodore was definitely not an ally.

A loud laugh from the boy interrupted her inner thoughts, snapping her out of her stupor. Several eyes were directed her way and Eleonora wanted to apparate away if she could.

The whole school knew of the family tree and it wouldn't take a genius to know that the two cousins wouldn't possibly get along. The students turned around in their seats to look at the pair, whispering among each other and waiting for anything to happen.


Both Nott and Eleonora looked up at the voice. A blond stood behind them. He pushed the seated boy away with his book and Theodore moved without protest. Draco sank into the bench next to her. At the same time, he directed the boys to move further as he scooted slightly away from the girl.
Eleonora could only watch the boy and from behind him, she could see Theodore bend forward to throw her a nasty look.
Draco turned to them, instantly making them turn their heads away and then to Eleonora.
"What?", he questioned non chalantly. The girl instantly shook her head.

She turned her gaze to the front, noting Hermione who had watched the whole interaction. She smiled unsurely, glancing at Theodore and Draco and then back to the girl. Nora returned the smile, nodding her head to ensure that she was alright.
Hermione made a gesture to imply the two exchanging seats but Eleonora shook her head no.

Fawley turned to look at Draco, who played with a ring on his finger and then back to Hermione who only turned around after staring Malfoy down.

The girl drummed her fingers lightly against the table, unsure of what to say or do.
"Nice ring".
Eleonora cringed at her choice of words and it seemed to take the boy by surprise.
He looked to her and then at the ring. "Thanks", he mumbled, wearing the ring again.

"Nice necklace".

Eleonora picked up the pendant in her hand and smiled. Turning to the boy, her smile grew wider as the boy pretended to be uninterested.
"Thanks", she replied.

A hint of a smile appeared on the boy's face but it was quick to disappear. Eleonora turned back to face the front but she fought to keep in a chuckle as she was met with Hermione's confused face. The girl raised her brows questioningly but Eleonora merely shrugged, a permanent smile on her face.

It however dropped instantly as the sudden bang of the doors on the walls almost made her heart stop. She turned around in her seat as did the other students to watch the professor walk aggressively to the front of the class.

"Alastor Moody", he greeted the students. "Ex auror and your new defence against the Dark Arts teacher".

"He doesn't look very happy to be here", Eleonora whispered, almost to herself but Draco mumbled in agreement.

"Now", the teacher began, immediately starting his class. "Which of you can tell me how many unforgiveable curses are there?"

A chill ran down her spine and Eleonora's gaze dropped as the professor turned to look right at her. A glance upwards showed the man still staring at her, as if he expected an answer from the girl.

"Three sir", a familiar voice volunteered and it took the Professor's attention away from Fawley.

Eleonora massaged her neck as a pain ran down from her head to her back.

"And they are so named?", Moody questioned, turning to write on the board. His false blue eye, however, rolled back, focusing right on the girl.

"Because they are unforgiveable", Hermione answered, without missing a beat. 

Eleonora couldn't stop the tremor in her legs as she continued to watch her fingers, letting her gaze wander everywhere but to the professor. Students were already sneaking glances at the infamous Fawley girl and Elen noticed Harry fidget in his seat as well.

"Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do", Moody spoke. "I say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared!"

His words felt all too familiar. It was Marcus and 8 year old Eleonora all over again as the father attempted to coerce his daughter to use the unforgiveable curses on a squirrel. The girl had fled everytime but Eleonora had no choice of fleeing the lesson this time.

She watched as Ron presented the first curse and consequently tremble as the professor pulled out a large spider which he resumed to grow extra larger.

"Imperio!", he chanted and it didn't take long for him to control the spider, immediately flinging it in the direction of students amidst their laughter. 

Eleonora immediately scooted away as the professor brought the spider to Draco's face. The boy swung his arms in an attempt to swat it off as he let out terrified screams. The laughter only grew louder as the gryffindors were particularly happy about the torment of the slytherin.

Eventually, he ended the selective misery and returned the spider to his hands. Eleonora's gaze did not leave the spider as the professor spoke, her mind rushing through a dozen memories.

"Miss Fawley why don't you come up here".

The girl did not move. Her gaze lifted to the ex auror and there was no doubt about it. He wanted her to present the next curse.

"Miss Fawley. Do you expect me to repeat myself again?"

"Sir". Hermione's hand shot up but her voice wasn't very confident as it would usually be. "She doesn't feel very good today".

"I don't see how that relates to our lesson today", he was quick to dismiss it. "To the front of the class Miss Fawley".

Eleonora took a deep breath and walked towards the professor. She ignored the look Hermione had given her, in an attempt to put away all her emotions.

"Another spell, Miss Fawley?"

Eleonora gulped down the knot in her throat. "The Cruciatus". Her voice cracked as she spoke, the volume barely greater than a whisper.

"The Cruciatus is what she said, for those in the back who obviously wouldn't have heard that". 

Moody ushered her closer to the table and the panic grew stronger as he pointed his wand at the spider.

The spider began to writhe uncontrollably under the spell. Eleonora felt the urge to run, to escape, to hide. It was no different than when she was a child fearing the pain and the burning of her skin as Bellatrix repeatedly casted the same spell on the girl.

Old memories resurfaced and the constricted feelings threatened to burst as Eleonora barely moved, eyes trapped on the spider contorting its body.

"Stop it!", Hermione's outburst momentarily cut off the creature's suffering screeches. "Can't you see it's bothering her?"

Eleonora felt suffocated. She took a shuddering breath as the professor stopped and took the spider away from her.
A single tear stained her left cheek and she was quick to wipe it away. Her mouth tasted metallic as she had bitten her lip until it drew blood.

Without warning, there was a flash of green light from the corner of her eye and terror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck.

The room was completely quiet but the sound of her heart pounding in her ears was overwhelming.

"The Killing Curse", Moody lectured. "Only one person is known to have survived it and he's in this room".

A pin drop could be heard as the students watched in shock, their gazes shifting from the frozen girl and professor to the boy who lived.

The ringing of the bell brought the professor to dismiss the class and Eleonora was first to walk out the room, not bothering to grab her books from the table. She could hear the benches drag against the floor as several rose from their seats to catch up with her.

The girl made her way down corridors and up several stairways, taking rights and lefts that was entirely unconscious until finally, she walked into cool wind and fresh air. Her eyes watered as she hurried to the balcony of the Lookout tower, letting the cool air hit her right in the face.

Taking several effortful breaths, she attempted to calm herself down but she only gasped for air as she did.
A figure appeared to her side but Eleonora did not react, as they just stood where they were.
Tears were flowing down her cheeks no matter how much she tried to stop them and when the figure finally held her in his arms, she gave in and let the horrible sobs take over.

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