11 - Candy boy

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School for the next few days was abundant with conversations and rumours about Sirius Black, the notorious criminal Eleonora had only heard about upon arriving at Hogwarts.
The Great Halls, the common rooms and even her own room with Hermione expressing her displeasure - Sirius Black was a hot topic that also resulted in them having to sleep in the Great Hall for a night.

The corridors were buzzing with conversations of the man as Eleonora made her way through the crowds. She headed in the direction of the Lookout tower after talking to Cedric about the quidditch match. They had won but at the expense of Harry getting hurt and Cedric couldn't bear the guilt of winning 'unfairly', as he claimed it to be.

Eleonor had thought otherwise. She hadn't been present at the match but from his recount of the events, she had to admit, Cedric had caught the snitch fair and square, even if it had been her house to lose.

It had taken more than a few words to convince him but Cedric had left with a light heart and that was all that mattered.

Eleonora kept climbing up the stairs, her only destination the Lookout tower which she was yet to visit in the school. Most students didn't wander this far and it would be great to have a site for herself that didn't include having to leave the castle.

But upon arrival, the tower was already occupied and words left Eleonora's lips unexpectedly at the sight.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think there would be anyone here".

The boy turned around at her voice, his tense figure relaxing at the sight of her. He moved away from the railing, walking towards her but also maintaining a distance.
"I was just leaving".

He stuffed his fist in his pocket and stood on the same spot, hesitation obvious in his movements. But seeming to make up his mind, the boy moved towards the door without a glance in her direction.

"Malfoy right?"

The boy instantly froze. His grey eyes were wide as he turned to look at her. Malfoy opened his mouth but no words came. Instead, he nodded.
Eleonora smiled in reply, giving him a small wave as she made her way towards the railing.
"It was nice meeting you Malfoy".

She almost made it to the railing before the boy called out to her and Eleonora instantly turned her back to the view.
Malfoy had already made his way to her and he stared at the girl as if he was contemplating his actions.
Eventually he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag, placing it on her hand. "Some stuff from Honeydukes if you want them".

Eleonora couldn't help but chuckle, the action making the boy take a step back. "You brought this for me?"

Malfoy hesitated, his eyes focused on the bag in her hands.
"No", he stated. "I had a few extra and since you didn't go, I just thought it would be better to give it to you than throw it all away".

The smile on Eleonora's face grew into a smirk.
"You noticed that I didn't go?"

Malfoy froze yet again, his eyes shutting close tight at her words. He sighed as his eyes rolled exaggeratedly.
"Do you want the candy or not Fawley?"

He flicked his hair back, feigning indifference as he looked at her. Eleonora nodded, wrapping her hands around the pouch.
"Thank you".

Malfoy nodded, immediately taking his cue to leave without another word. He disappeared through the arch and turned left where the corridor would lead to the stairs and Eleonora could hear his feet hit the stone steps as he hurried down the stairway.

Opening the pouch, Eleonora smiled at the sight of the sweets. She popped one into her mouth and leaned against the railing, taking in the sight before her. She could see the stone bridge below her and students looking like tiny figurines as they wandered across the school grounds.

The air was moist and chilly and the smell of rain brought a smile to Eleonora's face.
It was quiet and serene and as she chewed away on a flavoured bean, Eleonora felt at peace.

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