Chapter 29. - Jedi down

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Word count: 3407

Hello lovelies,

Sorry it took so long to update, as always I keep writing and writing and forget to split the story to get reasonably long chapters. Which also means I'll be adding another one pretty soon, cause it's almost done :)

If you've read up until this point I love you, hope you're still enjoying it <3


It took me a couple of seconds to fully comprehend what the message actually meant. And by the time the cup fell from my hands and landed on the table splashing the caf all over it, Zany was already moving towards the door.

Lily, who was sitting on the other side of the table, caught the cup, before it would tumble down to the floor, but didn't say anything, just looked at me with a worried expression.

I was still frozen in the moment staring at her, when Pace grabbed my elbow and pushed me up, taking me with him.

"Come on, general, we're close," he said, pulling me towards the door. I gasped and snapped out of the trance I was in.

Jedi master down.

I let my captain drag me through the door and onto the busy street. There weren't that many people as before, the traffic obviously dying with the later hour, but there was still enough of them that it took us almost three minutes to reach the speeder. Zany slid behind the steering in an unspoken agreement between him and me and I pushed in the coordinates that were broadcasted from Anakin through the comlinks into the board computer. Zany pressed the controls in hurry and we shot up towards the tunel leading to the upper levels.

The coordinates led us into the industrial sector. As we descended towards the three people, all I saw was the unmoving body dressed in the brown jedi tunic Anakin and Ahsoka, who were leaning over it.

Jedi master down.

I jumped down to them when we were still hovering a few meters above ground using the force to slow my landing.

"What..." I started, suddenly feeling out of breath, when Anakin turned to me, his gaze blank, eyes darkened as I've never seen him.

"He ran that way," he pointed towards one of the industrial buildings, "Get the bastard. I... need to stay with him."

I didn't hesitate, because I knew if I'd take just one more look at Obi-Wan's dead body, I'd frozen. I talked to him just a few hours ago, he was caring about my mental state enough to find resources for me. And now he was gone, I couldn't feel him in the force anymore, his calm steady presence vanished and all I felt was Anakin's shock and sorrow and Ahsoka's confusion.

I waved at the speeder with my soldiers to go back up and used the force to push myself to jump back aboard.

"We're looking for the..." I had to take another breath to be able to say the word, "... murderer. That way."

Zany stirred the hovercraft towards where Anakin pointed me. They both stayed quiet, until Pace pointed down to the shadows of one roof.

"There," he didn't need to yell, I also already saw the man running at his top speed away from the scene of a murder.

"Get me closer," I ordered Zany, the anger and loss inside of me melting into a deadly sharp focus. We needed to catch the man and he would stand before the court.

We were almost on top of him, when he jumped down off the roof and into a busy street. I didn't hesitate and jumped out of the hovercraft, with short: "Land somewhere and follow me." towards my sergeant and captain.

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