Chapter 32. - Skeletons in a closet

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Word count: 2226

Jeez, I can't believe it's been a year since I've last been here. I'm sorry I've neglected the story, I swear I have it planned out and want to finish it, but I have lost myself a little bit. Also big chunk of the story I had already written got deleted somehow, so I'm writing it again.

It was eventful year and half for me, I got married and had a baby and also PPD, so there's that, but I'm all good now :)

Please be patient with me and if you're gonna come back to read the rest of the story as I'm continuing it, I love you <3

(also, I'm sorry, I know Hinn's falling unconscious a lot, I'm trying to limit it :D)


"Commander Tano was just spotted heading to level 1312," were the first words with which Zany welcomed me onboard the gunship, "Two squads from 104th are already closing in on her."

"Alright, let's try and catch up," I nodded, while Kipper already lifted the ship in the air, "Remember officially we're here only as supervision," I raised my voice so the other troopers also heard me, "Set your blasters to stun and do not engage with commander Tano unless absolutely necessary."

I heard several Yes sirs and looked out of the gunships window as we descended through one of the vertical tunnels to the lower levels. We went down several levels rather quickly and then continued through a series of tunnels deeper into the streets based on Anakin's instructions. My commlink beeped and I answered it immediately.

'Hinn,' It was the voice of master Plo, 'Our probes have found Ahsoka and a group of troopers headed by my commander tried to arrest her, but I lost connection immediately after. You are the closest ones to their last position,' master Plo continued, 'We're sending coordinates to you now. You're probably gonna have to walk.'

"Understood, master," I turned off the transmission and saw Kipper was already landing in one of the dirtiest streets I have ever seen.

I didn't say anything. All of my troopers heard the conversation and knew what was at stake now. I jumped out of the ship and they followed me, when I broke into a run based on the coordinates my commlink just received. It only took a minute before it blinked again. It was master Plo's comnumber, but the voice I heard was a familiar clone trooper, master Plo obviously transmitting the call to me.

'General Plo Koon?' His breathing was rigged and it made me speed up,'We had commander Tano, but she escaped with the help of Asajj Ventress...'

Oh no, I thought, last time Wolffe met with Ventress, he lost an eye. Then it hit me that Ventress was right here on Coruscant and I remembered our last meeting very vividly. I looked up at Blitz and once again wished I could see through his helmet to gauge his thoughts.

We turned a corner and there they were. Clone troopers lying all over the ground, some of them moaning in pain and almost all of their blasters cut in half. A quick check confirmed they were all alive and to my surprise none of them seemed seriously injured. My troopers spread to check on the lying soldiers and help them up.

I bent over Wolffe who just sat up and pulled off his helmet.
"Are you okay?" I asked,"I thought you said Ventress was here. Did she take Ahsoka?" He used a curse word that made me blush and then accepted my hand and let me pull him up.

"They were working together," He said, frowning. I blinked.

"That's..." Blitz stopped behind my back and now he looked as if he wasn't able to find words, just as I wasn't, "...not good."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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