Chapter 2; How'd you get my number?

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"Do you know who One Direction is?" I asked my friend Abrielle on the phone.

I swung my legs up to my chest as I sat impatiently on a chair in the kitchen and looked down at Preston who was sitting on the floor beside me playing with his firetruck and little action figures.

"Weeeoooo," He squealed, mimicking the sound of a firetruck.

"Who doesn't?" She chuckled.

"Clearly somebody who hasn't watched TV seemingly in a decade. And not to mention someone with a three year old son who drains all of their time and energy every day." I retorted with a heavy eye roll.

"Okay well why do you want to know anyways?" She asked and I could practically see her rolling her eyes right back at me.

"I- Um. I don't know, just tell me the names of the boys in the band." I responded hesitantly.

"Mommy!" Preston called out, looking up at me.

"Yes Pressy?" I smiled down at him.

He had a superman in one hand and batman in the other. Now that's quite the combination.

"I'm hungry!" He pouted.

"Mommy'll make you dinner soon okay, bud?"

"Okay." He nodded as he continued to play with his toys.

"Ok," Abrielle began,

"well there's Niall, he's the blond, Irish one. He has blue eyes and braces-"

"Okay, Ab... All I need is their names, not their life stories. And why do you know so much about them? You're a twenty-four year old! You're such a cougar." I chuckled

"For your information they've been in loads of interviews so, it's not my fault." She defended humorously.

"So there's Niall, err Louis, Zayn, Harry and-"

"What!?" I screeched.

I got up and walked over to the counter. I felt like I was going to pass out any second now.

"What?" She mocked with evident confusion.

"Nothing. Thanks for your help." I assured her just as I hung up.

I tossed my soon to be smashed phone on the kitchen counter and buried my face in my hands, resting my elbows on the counter. Just then I felt a little tug on the hem of my shirt. I removed my face from my hands and looked down.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Preston asked with concern wavering in and out of his little voice.

"Of course Mommy's okay." I leaned down and slid my hands beneath his armpits and stood up, placing him safely on my hip.

He immediately did what he always had; buried his head into the crook of my neck. I felt my vision become clouded with tears. I didn't want Preston to see me cry because that would only make him upset. I hate it when Preston gets upset. I walked over to the sink and grabbed a cloth. I dabbed at my eyes and placed it back.

"Hey, Pressy..." I looked down at him. He looked up and into my eyes, his curls displayed messily over them.

"Yes mommy?" He tilted his head curiously and licked his lips unknowingly.

I finger combed his mop of curls, smiling down at him.

"You know that mommy loves you, right?" I softly whispered.

He just nodded and began to squirm. I chuckled and lightly kissed his forehead.

"You go play while mommy makes dinner, okay?" I bent down and placed him beside his toys that he had brought down to the kitchen.

"And make sure you bring your toys back up to your room!" I smiled; rather fakely.

It's not my fault. The thought of Harry being a teenage-heartthrob literally send a soaring pain through my heart. He has millions of dollars but yet he can't pay for child support? Although, he probably doesn't even know what child support is considering he hasn't been in Preston's life- or any child's life for that matter. But that's still no excuse. He shouldn't have left me. He has probably forgotten about his son-even me.

Preston doesn't need a father in his life, so I'm not really sure why I'm complaining. I hate Harry's guts for doing this to us. I truly do.

"Okay mommy." Preston obeyed. I watched as he attempted to pick his firetruck, Batman and Superman action figures up, all at the same time.

I chuckled as I walked over to him, bending down to his height.

"Bud, one at a time." I smirked, taking his Batman and Superman dolls out of his grasp.

"Go bring your firetruck upstairs and then come back for these guys." I told him, gesturing to the dolls I was holding.

"Sorry." Preston apologized in a mere mumble as he stumbled out of the kitchen.

I set the dolls down on the floor and turned on the tap, filling a pot with hot water. I set the pot on the stove and set it on high. I then poured the raw spaghetti noodles into the pot.

By the time it was done, Preston had already brought the toys upstairs and busy playing up there.

I got a plastic bowl and placed a little bit of cooked pasta into it. Afterwards I added some butter, seeing as Preston had never been fond of spaghetti sauce.

"Pressy," I called out.

I placed his bowl down in front of his spot along with a plastic fork and a sippy cup full of apple juice; his favourite.

I heard the little pitter patter of his feet hit the kitchen tiles as he pulled hisself up into the booster seat.

"You're such a big boy!" I cooed, grabbing myself a bowl and filling it with pasta. I poured some sauce into it and sat down across from Preston.

I ate a couple bites then realized Preston was struggling.

"Want me to cut your pasta, bud?" I asked. He crossed his arms in a pouting manner and nodded.

"It's okay." I assured him, grabbing his bowl. I cut it into little pieces and replaced his fork with a spoon.

"Here you go." I smiled as I placed the bowl back down in front of him.

"Thank you." He smiled, dimples more prominent than ever before.

I sat back down and watched as he shoved loads into his mouth. Man, this boy could eat. He most definitely didn't get that characteristic from me. Must have been from Harry.

After we finished I carried him upstairs; asleep. He had fallen asleep on the couch watching Elmo while I was cleaning up after dinner. I gently placed him in his race car shaped bed. I pulled the sheets up to about his chin and smiled down at him. He was so adorable. I'm so lucky to have such a perfect son like him.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly. I switched on his batman night light and walked out of his room. I shut the door lightly and headed back downstairs. I was about to go call Abrielle back just as my cell phone began to ring. I grabbed it and looked down at Caller ID. It came up as an unknown number.

"What the hell?" I cursed beneath my breath but nevertheless decided to answer it anyway.

"Hello?" I mumbled, confusion lacing my tone.

"Lex... Is that you?" A deep, raspy voice called out from the other line.

And just like that it felt like a weight had fell on me, weighing a million tons. It couldn't be.

"How the fuck did you get my number?" I growled.



Thank you so much for reading Daddy? It means a lot <3

I love you all.

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