Chapter 28;PhoneCall

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I woke up lightly humming to myself. I glanced I over to my alarm clock. 5:55AM it read. I pushed the duvet off of me and pressed 'off' on it. I usually always wake up before my alarm goes off.

I shuffled over to my dresser and put on my usual McDonald's outfit.

I walked into my bathroom as brushed my hair out and threw it up into a messy bun.

I looked at my exhausted figure in the mirror.

"This is going to be long day." I groaned to myself, making my way out of the bathroom.


"Hey Alexis!" Kian called after me as I made my way into McDonald's.

I rolled my eyes and plastered on a fake smile.

"Hey." I grinned, speeding up so that maybe he'd get the memo. I don't want to talk to him. Or anyone.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow? It's the 4th of July." He winked as I made my way behind the counter.

"No." I muttered, remembering its a holiday and we don't work.

"You should come to the fireworks show with me. You said you're stressed. It'll get your mind of things." He suggested.

"I'm good. Thanks though." I walked over to Mikko, the girl I always switch off with at 11AM.

"Have fun," She grinned, getting up and walking to the back.

I sat down as Kian stood beside me.

"C'mon please!" He wined, reaching over for my shoulder.

I shot him a cold glare as he rested his arm to his side.

"If you leave me alone, then fine." I mumbled, just before I took the person's order in front of me.

"Yay! I'll pick you up at six. Text me your address." And with that, he was off.



"Hey Ni," I spoke up, standing on my tip-toes to reach a glass that was in my cupboards.

"Yeah?" He asked, taking a swig of beer.

"Do you know if Lex still lives in New York?" I asked curiously, pouring myself a glass of Pepsi.

"It's been two years, mate. D'ya think she'd want t'stay in the same place you left her? D'same place you unwillingly broke 'err heart?" His Irish accent stronger than usual.

"No. But I don't think she has enough money to LEAVE." I took another sip, staring into his blue eyes.

"Then maybe." He shrugged, setting down his beer.

"Listen mate, you're my last chance! I need you to help me." I begged,turning my body to face him.

"I'll help ya with anything." He said, pretty convincingly.

"Okay. I need you to unblock Lex's number, text her and find out if she still lives in NY. If she does, chances are, she still lives I the same place." I ordered, as he nodded his he's to everything I said.

"Will modest be ok with this?" He asked, sliding his iPhone 5 out of his pocket.

"No. But it doesn't matter. We both know they wouldn't kick me out of the band, we're making too much money now." I answered, as his unlocked his phone.

"What's her number?" He asked.

"519-226-1040" I recited, from the top of my head.

Let's just hope she has the same number as before.

"What the hell. Why is she blocked?" He asked as I gave myself a mental facepalm.

"Because Management blocked her. We've been through this. Just unblock her and text her something that won't make her think you're a god damn pedo."


I pressed unblock and I was so relieved to see that the number was still in use. Now I just need to know if it's her who still has the number.

I sent a text,

Hey! Is this Alexis Ford?

Within minutes later I received a text.

Alexis; Uhm, yeah? Who's this? If this is you Kian, I already texted you my address.

Kian? Who's Kian?

Niall; Kian....?

Alexis; Lawley..?

Niall; Oh no. Ur not gonna believe me when I tell u.

Alexis; I will block you if you don't spit it out.

"What's she saying?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Just wait, mate."

I sent her another text,

Niall; It's Niall... I want to talk.

After that I didn't receive a text back.

"I told her its me. But before she asked if it was some guy named Kian Lawley" I muttered, locking my phone and setting it on the counter.

"Kian Lawley? Are you serious?" He asked, face growing hard.

"Er, yeah... You know him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Him and his friend Sam are famous you-tubers. Why would she be talking to him?" He wondered aloud.

"Well she also said something along the lines of already sending him her address." I added, as his eyebrows were no longer furrowed.

"Wait, Kian lives in New York!" He grinned excitedly just as my phone s ring tone went off.

I looked down to reveal Alexis' Number.

"Oh my god." Harry gasped, staring at it in shock.

"I need to talk to her." He jumped forwards and grabbed my phone just before I could push him away.

"No! Harry don't!" I yelled as he pressed accept and brought it up to his ear.

I'm pretty sure the last thing Alexis wants to hear is Harry's voice.

"Harry... Give the phone to me... If you don't there will be no more chances to get her back." I calmly

whispered, watching him tear up.

He slowly extended his arm as I let out a sigh of relief slowly taking it from him.

I mouth 'good' and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello? Niall?" Alexis' voice sounded distraught.

"Yes. Alexis I need to talk to you." I spoke, watching Harry fight back tears from falling.

This is about to get interesting.




a little birdie told me its someone birthday today ;o!

HBD TO @dexy_luv

I just had to update for you, so this chapter is dedicated to you!

I hope you have the best birthday ever!

Thanks for reading Daddy?


Lots of love from,



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