Chapter 5; On my way

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This is all so new to me. Yesterday Louis informed me that he had found Alexis on Instagram.

I will admit, I creeped her photos and the majority of them were pictures of food she had made, but some were pictures of Preston.

It then made me think back to that day in the XFactor house when she told me she was pregnant.

I shouldn't have listened to Simon. I should have listened to my heart; which was telling me to stay with Lex and raise our baby.

But I was young and stupid. I was selfish. I left her and once I saw how happy she looked in her pictures I fully realized how much I truly missed her. God I've been having dreams about our memories for the past 4 months.

I was in love, and I think I still am.

"How have you been?" Alexis asked me, sounding the least bit impressed.

I was sitting across from her at the picnic table and she was cradling Preston in her arms. He was sleeping, sucking on a pacifier.

Isn't he like 2 years old? He shouldn't sill have a pacifier.

"I've been fine, I guess. What about you? What have you done with your life?" I snapped,rather rudely.

"Are you serious? What the hell do you think I've done with my life? You dumped me with a child, Harry." She started tearing up and I all of a sudden felt bad for her.

I looked down at my hands, under the table and sighed.

I looked back up and Alexis was wiping a tear off of her cheek. She tried to make it go unnoticed, but I noticed.

"Do you think I had a choice?" I asked, frowning at her.

She just looked down at Preston and continued to cradle him in her arms.

She brought her hand up to his curls and began to slowly comb through them with her fingers.

"You're your own person, Harry..." She trailed off, still looking down at Preston.

"So you expect me to give up my career for a-a mistake?" I defended, without thinking.

Alexis quickly glared up at me and her expression softened. She then tightened her grip on Preston and stood up.

He must be a heavy sleeper.... But I wouldn't know that.

"Lex-wait!" I piped. I shot up and gripped onto her arm. She was holding Preston bridal style and she looked up at me. Somehow, her eyes seemed to be a darker shade of blue.

Her eyes were rimmed with tears as she stepped away from me.

"Y-you're right..." She gulped. "Preson's a mistake, I'm a mistake.... We're a mistake." She choked.

I slightly shook my head,

"That's not what I meant!" I panicked.

I didn't mean to call Preston a mistake- although he was.

"Oh-no... I understand perfectly." She then started walking away from the picnic table, towards the road.

"Wait!" I pleaded, running after her.

I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face me. Preston was still fast asleep in Alexis' arms.

"Please don't leave, Lex." I pleaded. I swear I was about to get down on my knees and pray. I can't lose Alexis again... Not after I just found her.

She just shook her head and pulled away from my grasp.

"You'll be lucky if you ever get to see Preston again." She muttered. She turned back around and kept walking across the street. I just stood there; completely stunned as she Set Preston into the back seat, and got into the front seat. Moments after she sped down the street.... Out of sight...

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