Chapter 27; What I Want

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"Can you just shut up!" I begged both Louis and Liam who had called me over to their flat they both share to have a 'talk'.

"I don't want to talk about it ok?" I added, trailing my eyes does to my bare feet.

I was sitting on a chair, across from Louis and Liam who were sitting on the same couch in their living room.

"Harry... Listen to us. We're trying to help you get over... What has happened." Liam spoke, grabbing my attention.

His brown eyes seemed to be filled with worry while Louis' seemed to be overflowing with disgust.

"What has happened?" My voice cracked as I lent forwards in the chair.

"It's been fucking 2 years since I've seen... Lex AND MY BABY BOY. Do you know how I feel? Not to mention how I felt the past 2 years! What would you do if the two people you love the most got taken away? And you never got to see them again? I'm tired of feeling alone. I'm sick and tired of having no one. Do you know what it's like to constantly be sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Nothing has been turning out how its supposed to. I was supposed to live happily ever after with the two people i love and care for the most. But apparently god loves seeing me go through hell first. Do you know the saying there's always light at the end of the tunnel'? Well guess what... It turns out the light at the end of my tunnel has burned out. its not there. its Non existent. Listen, I'm exhausted and I don't know what to do anymore. I really don't..." The words I have kept bottled up inside me seemed to have flown out of me effortlessly.

I buried my face onto my hands as I heard Liam clear his throat.

"Harry... I-"

"I don't want your pity, Li. I really don't." I cut him off, obviously leaving him speechless.

"Then what is it you want?" Louis impatiently wondered, raising an eyebrow.

I sat there for a moment thinking.

What do I want he asks?

I want Preston. I want Lex. I want to be a family again. I want to feel Lex in my arms, listening to the beat of my heart. I want to tuck Preston into bed and tell him I love him.

But do you know what I want the most? More than anything?

"I want you to help me locate Alexis."


Harry needs to realize it was HIS CHOICE to actually leave Lexi again. I know management told him to but they couldn't physically MAKE him. If he loved her so much, like he claims he does, he would have stayed with her; even if that means giving up his career.

But he chose work over love, and he has to live with that now.

"Then what is it you want?" I asked, obviously having enough of his complaining.

If he doesn't want pity I won't give it to him. I do feel bad for him but c'mon! actions come with consequences, everyone knows that.

I was staring at Harry now. He clasped his lower lip between his teeth for a second, deep in thought.

"I want you to help me locate Alexis." Was all he said.

My eyes widened in shock.

Is he mental?

"Um, Harry... It's a little too late for that. You've left her two times and I can't bare to watch her get hurt a third. I'm sorry mate, I'm not helping you. I CAN'T help you. Management moved you away for a reason, Harry. You need to stop thinking there's endless chances in life. Because Harry, you've run out of chances. Move on before-"

"ALRIGHT STOP!" Harry shouted, cutting me off.


"Louis say another word and I'll beat your ass." Harry spoke through gritted teeth.

His eyebrows were furrowed together as his curls displayed across his darkened eyes. His hands were balled into fists in front of him.

I awkwardly glanced over to Liam who was concernedly shaking his head towards harry. Obviously hinting at him to calm down.

Honestly, I've seen Harry mad so many times and it doesn't frighten me anymore. But hell, it use to. He's so intimidating when he's pissed. Trust me, the things he can do with his hands, I've never seen anyone do before. He's stronger than he looks.

"I've had enough of you." Harry barked as he stood up and stormed out of the room.

Moments later I heard the front door open and slam shut.

Liam released a huge sigh.

"Well...." He mumbled, also standing up.

"I'm going over to Danielle's. Catcha later." And with that, he also left.

So now I was forced to sit here alone.

Does Harry really think he'll get another chance? Even if he DOES find Lex, she sure as hell won't talk to him. If I were her I'd be requesting a god damn restraining order. Harry doesn't deserve what he had. He took her and Preston for granted. Just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean he gets everything he wants. He may get a lot. But not everything.





sorry for the short chapta but oh well! hehe.


btw I twerk for food so...

I'm just saying.



oh and if anyone is good at making fanfic covers, you should deffo inbox me bc if anyone makes me a GOOD Daddy? fanfic cover I might change it ;$...


but yeah inbox me.

also follow me on twitter;


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