Chapter 35;Drunk

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I don't know what made me kiss Harry back. Maybe it was the seemingly perfect way our lips fit each others, or maybe it was just the spur of the moment kind of thing.

Once our lips started moving in sync, I found my hands tangled in what use to be a mop of curls.

I opened both eyes, just a lightest bit, but just enough to catch Harry also doing so.

His green orbs were darkened with lust, as he smiled into the kiss, but not daring to separate our lips.

I closed my eyes again, savouring this moment that I thought I'd never enjoy. But here I am, proving myself wrong, enjoying every second of this intimacy.

"Are you coming?" Zayn's voice could be heard from outside the door.

We both quickly pulled away, awkwardly forced to look nowhere but each others eyes, seeing as Harry was pressing me up against the wall, and his face was still close to mine.

"Y-Yeah," Harry called out, but not moving his eyes a millimetre from where they were now;locked on mine.

I sucked in a deep breath, sheepishly stepping around Harry, making my way towards the door.

"Wait!" Harry yelped, freezing me in my spot.

"So you just stood there and made out with me, and now you're gonna pretend like nothing ever happened?" Harry's hands were now resting upon my hips, behind me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing deep down kissing him back wasn't the best solution. Now he's going to think that I forgive him, which is bullshit, because I never will.

"Just stop Harry." I muttered, swinging open the door, leaving him in my room.


"So Harry, I couldn't help but notice your hair wasn't so... Neat, when you came downstairs." Eleanor winked flirtatiously in his direction, as I stared down at my iced coffee, awkwardly.

"Shit happens." I could almost feel his glare on the side of my face now.

We were all at starbucks, obviously the only ones in here, because if we hasn't of rented it out, we would have even mobbed. Seeing as 5/5 of the biggest boy band in the world is in here.

I was at the very end of the long table, with Izzi-Niall-Danielle and Liam sitting along side me, in that order.

Then in front of me, from left to right, it went-Eleanor-Louis-Harry-Zayn-Perrie.

I slowly inched the straw in my mouth, sheepishly taking small sips.

"Would you care to explain what happened while you and Harry were alone in your room?" Eleanor now directed her attention over to me.

I peered up at her, with pure disgust evident across my face.

"Why don't you just worry about your own relationship." I sneered, allowing my eyes to trail back down to my drink.

"Oh, feisty now are we. Did you forget to take your meds this morning?" She cooed, as I now watched Louis lightly nudge her side, hinting her to stop.

"Depression medication doesn't prevent ignorant bitches, like yourself, to back the hell off." I narrowed my eyes down at her, as she did the same to me.

What the hell is this chicks problem?

Now Louis was glaring at me. I shouldn't be the one to receive dirty looks, if anything his snotty girlfriend should.

"Louis, can you do me a favour and keep your animal under control?" I sarcastically batted my eyelashes, earning a scoff from El.

"Can we just enjoy the fact that we're all together?" Liam broke our little, disagreement.

"I'm not going to enjoy myself, until the little anorexic bitch leaves." I pointed to Eleanor, smugly watching her jaw tense.

I did feel bad for referring to her as anorexic. It was pretty harsh, but I was just caught up in the spur of the moment.

"Shut the fuck up." Louis shouted, as Eleanor dramatically stood up, and rushed past everyone, sobbing loudly.

Louis shook his head at me, before running after El.

For some reason, I found myself examining Harry's amused looking features.

We all sat in silence, occasionally hearing the slurps of someone sipping on their drink.

I sighed heavily, looking around at everyone's expressions.


"I don't get it," I shook my head, as everyone converted their attention over to me.

"Don't get what?" Izzi asked from beside me, patting my back assuringly seconds after.

"Louis and Eleanor." I let a small smile creep across my face to show I wasn't guilty what so ever for making her 'cry'.

"None of us do." She sighed, dropping her hand from my back.


"Are you sure you want to stay? The guest bed isn't too comfortable." I exclaimed, as Izzi nodded her head beside me.

"Of coarse I do. I don't really want to be around El tonight, she seems a bit... Moody." Izzi paused to think of the right word, then whispering it slowly.

"So she's not always a bitch?" I chuckled, before I heard hollering from my backyard.

That's where everyone is right now, well, besides Izzi and I.

"Nope," She sighed, popping the p.

"Huh," I mumbled, as a very drunk Harry bounded into the room.

"H-Heyyy!" He slurred, clutching onto the back of the couch to my right, nearly falling over.

His eyes were half open, and he had a stain on the collar of his tshirt.

I looked at Izzi to my left, exchanging the same confused look.

I looked back at Harry who was now twirling around in circles.

Being as shit faced drunk as he was, he lost his balance, landing on the floor with a thud.

"Oh em gee!" He yelled out, as both Izzi and I stood up to help him.

We both grabbed onto opposite arms, heaving him up onto his feet.

"We leave you for an hour out there, and you end up hammered." I chuckled, as did Iz.

"Oh-Shiiit! I-I need to piss!" He was completely oblivious to his surroundings now.

"Oh-Wait," He stood in between Izzi and I, with his arms slumped over both our shoulders.

"Okay, never mind." He slurred, as I found my eyes disgustingly examining the wet spot in his jeans, where he had just peed.

"Gross Harry!" I cringed, as both Izzi and I helped him walk up the stairs.

This is the drunkest I have ever seen Harry.

Once we got him in the bathroom, I threw in a pair of plaid pajama pants, and his Hipsta please hoodie, so he could change.

I closed the door to let him do his thing.

"What is this trickery!" Harry shouted from the other side of the door, as Izzi bursted out in laughter beside me.

"I hope the other guys aren't as drunk as him." I muttered, running a hand through my tangled blond hair.

"Oh god, I hope not. If you think Harry's bad right now, imagine him 10x worse, then you've got Niall."

I chuckled lightly at that, imagining Niall just as shitfaced as Harry. The only word you'd hear escape his mouth is craic.

"Oh Lexxx!" Harry called out, as I rolled my eyes at the tone of his voice.

"What Harry?" I muttered, as he swung open the doors revealing his naked body.

"This I-is all fo' you!" He moaned as I stepped back in disgust.

"Harry! Bad!" Izzi tried to contain a amused smile as Harry crossed his arms over his chest, pouting like a 3 year old.

The last thing I wanted to see was Harry's manhood, just hanging out in front of me.


An hour later, Harry had finally gotten clothes on, thanks to Izzi's assistance, and he decided to pass out on the floor just in front of my bed.

He was curled up in a ball, with his mouth hung open, and brown tangled hair everywhere.

I sighed in defeat, laying a quilt across his limp body, with pictures of his manhood flashing in my mind. Look what he has done to me.

"I'm da craic dadddddy!" I heard Niall slur from outside of my room.

"Shut up Niall! It's 3 in the morning, you're going to get a noise complaint." Izzi earned a gasp from an obviously drunk Irish lad.

"You were louder than me in bed a w-weeeek ago!" He yelled even louder, as a smirk found its way across my face.

"Shut up!" She was obviously frustrated with the state he was in.

I opened my door to see Niall on the ground, hugging Izzi's legs and she was trying to push him off.

I shook my head slightly, as Niall whimpered below her.

"Niall! Get off of me!" She yelled, as he seemed to clutch on even harder.

"I hope you didn't let the boys drive home." I spoke up, assuming they were all as hammered as Niall and Harry.

"Zayn and Louis were the only drunk ones. Liam and Eleanor drove them to the hotel. You should have seen Eleanor screaming at Louis, it was so funny." She smirked, then turned her attention back to Niall who was now slurring some Taylor Swift lyrics.

"Huh." I sighed, wishing I had been there.

"Can you help me." She pleaded, as Niall screamed craic at the top of his lungs.

I nodded and walked over to them, kneeling down to Niall's height.

"Niall. Get off her." I demanded, as he turned his head and childishly stuck his tongue out at me.

"You will nevvvver take me alive!" He yelled, letting go of Izzi and running for the first door he saw, which happened to be Preston's room.

My jaw dropped as I watched him collapse on his race care bed, and snuggle into the untouched blankets.

"Get. Him. OUT OF THERE!" I screamed, as Niall shut his eyes and yawned.

"I'm so so sorry!" Izzi exclaimed before running into the room, trying to heave Niall up.

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

I couldn't bring myself to lay a foot in his room, so I ran the opposite way, into mine.

I slammed the door behind me, still hearing Niall drunkly mumble and grunt loudly.

I dabbed at the fresh tears running down my cheeks, and stared at Harry's still sleeping body.

Right now all I wanted was to feel loved, and safe. I wanted my baby back. I wanted my old life back. Where it was just Harry, Preston and I. It only lasted for about a month, but that month was the best month of my life.

I sadly stood in front of Harry, then sunk to my knees, letting desperate sobs escape my trembling lips.

I lifted the quilt up off of Harry's motionless body.

I scooted as close to him as possible, tucking my head under neath his chin, letting the quilt now cover both of us.

Harry slowly sprawled out his legs,and moved his arm over, so it was no wrapped around me.

Harry didn't smell the best, but I didn't seem to mind. I felt safe, that's all that mattered.

The light was still on, and I was too emotionlessly and physically tired to get up and turn it off.

I squeezed my eyes shut, sniffling slightly, and let darkness over come me, as Niall's slurred voice was now no longer audible.



So the hike will be the next chapter, this is just sorta a filler, to show Alexis getting closer to Harry.



What would you have done if you were Alexis and Niall ran into Preston's room, messing it up? Which by the way is really disrespectful because those bed sheets are really the only thing with Preston's DNA on it, beside his dirty clothes on the floor and what not. You get the point xD.

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Annnnnnd could you please read my fanfic: Blink Of An Eye? xx

thanks all of you!

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