Chapter 20;Preston's Gone

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"Preston, stop." I sternly pointed down at Preston, who was banging his two metal toy trucks together.

I was sitting on the edge of his race car bed, waiting for Harry to get back from the meet and greet.

Preston looked up at me for a split-second then continued to bang them together again, making me stand up and bend down. I angrily snatched them from him. He dramatically threw himself back, and started screaming at the top of his lungs.

"I WANT MY TOYS BACK."he screamed, flailing his arms In the air, up at me.

"No!" I started walking away but he stood up and wrapped his arms around my leg, making me stop.

"Preston. Let go now." I spoke threw clenched teeth.

He shook his head and stayed put.

I huffed and stood in the middle of the hallway, confused on what I should do next.

"Want to go to bed?" I threatened, staring blankly down at him.

"I want daddy!" he yelled.

I can't take this anymore.

I dropped the toys and roughly lifted up Preston, ignoring the fact he was squirming around in my grip, probably causing bruises on my sensitive skin.

I rushed back into his room and dropped him down on his bed,making him scream even louder(if possible).

I ran out of his room and slammed the door behind me, locking him in.

I pressed my back against his door and slid down it, bringing my knees up to me chest. I buried my head into my hands and felt my eyes become watery.

I heard Preston run up to the door and start pounding on it with his little fists.

"WET ME OUT!" He screamed/sobbed.

Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I started sobbing into my hands, not caring how loud I was being.

Once I calmed down, I stood up and trailed down the stairs, still hearing Preston's occasional scream.

I walked into the kitchen and gripped onto the rim of the sink, glancing out the window which was in front of me.

It's been 5 hours. When is Harry coming home?

I looked down into the sink and sighed, noticing the house was completely silent. Preston must have fallen asleep. finally.

I looked over at the clock which read '6:45PM'.

"Hurry up, Harry." I muttered under my breath, making my way over into the living room.

I plopped down onto the couch and was about to order a Movie off of the movie network but there was a faint knock on the door.

I groaned slightly, hoping it wasn't a fan who found out where Harry has been staying for the past week.

I glanced into the mirror before heading to the door. My face was slightly reddened around my eyes and my hair was in a messy bun. I still had my outfit on from earlier today though.

I wiped underneath my eyes, clearing the black line from my smudged eyeliner.

I swung open the door and regretted not looking out the window to see who it was.

"Alexis!" My father cooed, spreading his arms out to me, making me flinch back.

His eyes suddenly softened as he dropped his arms down to his side.

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