Happy Birthday!

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Hello everyone. Unfortunately, the title is only half misleading.

Today, August 26th 2022, I officially turn 16!

I want to congratulate those who have reached this point in our story and hope you continue to walk this journey with me to see just what kind of chaos Kuro ensues.

But anyway, my birthday aside, we've officially caught up to Brother's Once More.

I've decided the way I'm going to switch off between publishing chapters between the two.

So, since I began Brother's Once More at an earlier point, I thought why not keep it that way, so I'll be remaining at least one chapter more than The Help of a Certain Being.

That means when this chapter comes out, chapter 37 of Brother's Once More will be released next, and vice versa.

If you read it, great. If you don't, not so great, but I'll respect your decision.

Also, I'd be more than happy to explain the connection between Tales of a Certain Being, The Help of a Certain Being, and Brother's Once More, but that'll be for a future chapter to come, I guess.

I'll see you guys soon, over on Brother's Once More.

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