Issue #19

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The investigation on Oscorp was a pretty big deal for the underlings of Norman Osborn. Each employee was stressed out over the possibility of being discovered by The Avengers and having Oscorp be ragged into the ground. Norman in particular organized for several of his note worthy employees to "take care" or the incident that had taken place before the Avengers had shown up. Dr. Octavious had been discarding the suspicious research and creatures that could be used to incriminate  Oscorp. Maxwell Dillon was instructed to relocate the creatures from Dr. Conners' lab. The Conners family was instructed to come as their absence would be noticed and questioned.

This of course meant that (YN) had to miss school. The thought of what may happen shrouded and took over (YN)'s focus... What would the Avengers do to his father? Lock him up as soon as he is cured? I mean, that's sorta their whole deal..

As we pulled up at Oscorp, numerous news reporters hounded us for information. They each came from numerous news outlets, though (YN) noticed that J. Jonah Jameson himself was present. It wasn't much of a surprise given how the Lizard wasn't Oscorp's first controversy...

Martha guided (YN) and Billy inside and had us ignore the several questions that were fired our way. Primarily from J. Jonah Jameson. What surprised us was that he didn't seem to have his reporters follow him...

"Dr. Conners. I was hoping to speak to you and your family in private." Jonah requested.

"About what happened to my father? He's innocent, Jonah. Osborn should be your target." (YN) stated, looking up at the head reporter. To his surprise, Jonah didn't yell back or even get red in the face. Instead he took a patient breath and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Look son... I know that this may be a sensitive topic for the three of you... I had actually hoped to catch you all at the hospital that was holding Dr. Conners, but things got in the way." Jonah informed. "I just wanted to say that the Daily Bugle, above all things, priorities the safety of the people. I personally assure you all that your father will be given fair representation in the paper, and that Osborn's skeletons are shoved out of the closet."

Jameson let go of my shoulder, allowing his reporters to follow along but to give us space... I guess Jonah has a heart after all...

I brushed my hair back as I felt a familiar gaze set upon me. Looking around, I noticed that Penny was in the crowd behind Jonah... I guess she would have to be here to help document the whole thing with photographic evidence. I rubbed my temple as Penny glanced at Jonah for a brief second before she snuck away from the crowd and walked over to us.

"U-Uh.. Hello guys.." She mumbled awkwardly.

"I see you're at work. Are you sure Jonah won't chew you out for chatting?" I asked.

"Well I just wanted to.. I asked Jonah to make any photo I take come from an anonymous source He understands that this must be pretty personal to you guys... And since I also have that Stark Internship, I asked Mr. Stark if he could possibly take you guys in after this whole thing.." Penny mentioned, lowering her head a little as she held her camera and fixed the lens.

"It's that bad huh?" I asked, earning a gentle nod from Penny as she informed me that Stark never really trusted Oscorp since the beginning... Seems like this is it for Norman then... But if Oscorp is taken down, what will me and my family do for work? For Stark? The Conners are many things, but we aren't the type to advance technology like Tony... I clenched my fist and sighed, feeling my mother gently take my wrist into my hand and guide me along to where the crowds were. I felt my skin crawl as we approached Norman and stood beside him... My fist clenched as he had the nerve to be handling a phone call... 

I tried to take a short breath and straightened myself out... Oscorp is going down. For my father..

As I strengthened my resolve, suddenly the crowd turned their attention away from us and began cheering as the Invincible Armored Ironman, more commonly known as Tony Stark, entered the office. He was accompanied by Captain America, also known as Steve Rodgers, and even Thor himself...

Seems he brought along some Avengers incase things went ugly... I sighed briefly as Captain America took notice of us and approached.

"Ma'am, Son, what is about to happen won't be easy for any of us. But it will be the hardest on you three. I'll have some friends help look into your father's condition so that he can come back home to you all." Captain America promised.

"I.. Thank you Captain.."

"Steve Rodgers will do fine." He said, preferring that people use his name rather than his title. With... Steve Rodgers returning to his team, Osborn addressed the issue as he hung up his phone.

"Good Morning everyone. J. Jonah Jameson, Tony Stark, Avengers. I am aware that you're all here to address the issue of what had happened to Dr. Curt Conners. Conduct all of the research you'd like, but I can assure you that what had happened was nothing short of an accident that should never taken place." Norman stated, prompting the crowd to ask him several questions about what had happened and how it could have taken place. As he carefully answered each question with carefully chosen words, Tony Stark and the Avengers took some agents from the DODC and made their way down toward the labs to see if there was anything suspicious. Dr. Otto Octavious and Maxell Dillon followed after them to guide them to points of where they would need to see. My family was asked to follow along to confirm certain claims and a story of how the events had played out...

Penny followed after us with her personal camera in hand. It was something that I had never taken notice of, but I guess she'll have to take pictures in order for her to keep her job...

"So uh... Come here often..?"

"Penny I'm.. sorry, I'm just not in the mood.." I replied, lowering my gaze to the floor as I heard my mother answer the several questions that had were being asked. Penny took the hint but decided to stay close and try to and comfort me through my silence...

Responsibility: Spider-Girl x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now