Life X confusion

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"Am I dead? Is this what death feels like?" Pitou wondered. She found herself surrounded by a blinding white light, unable to move or see anything beyond the brightness. The strangest sensation washed over her - she couldn't even tell if she was alive.

As she pondered her predicament, the question that kept resurfacing in her mind was whether this was all just a dream. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the light and began to approach her.

"Who is that?" Pitou asked, she could see a figure walking near her it looked familiar but she couldn't tell who it was exactly.

Soon enough the figure finally reached her and stopped.

"Well isn't this strange, it certainly isn't your time to be here you know?" Said the figure, Pitou had more questions but was most likely not going to get a lot of answers.

"Excuse me, may I ask who you are and where I am?" Pitou inquired, but to her dismay, she received no direct answer. The figure before her simply replied, "That's not important right now. It's time for you to wake up."

Pitou was confused, and the situation only became stranger when she realized that the figure looked like a reflection of herself in a mirror. "What do you mean?" she asked, but before she could receive an answer, everything began to fade to black. It was as if the reality around them was collapsing.

"Don't worry," the figure reassured her. "We will meet again...very soon." Pitou couldn't shake the feeling that the figure was smirking deviously as they spoke those words. And then, everything went black.

When Pitou finally opened her eyes, she found herself in a small cabin. She was in shock and had a million questions racing through her mind. "What happened? Where am I? I'm alive, but how?" she gasped, still trying to make sense of what had just happened. All she could remember was passing out.

" I should be dead...wait, face." said Pitou as she touched her face to be even more shocked it was completely healed. She realized she was in a bed most likely been asleep but the real question is for how long?

Pitou then began to get out of bed she wanted to see if anyone was still home and to her shock, her leg and arm was completely healed this confused her even more.

"Someone was Healing me....but how long have I been asleep? I need Answers, this is just confusing me even more."As Pitou rushed out of the room she was staying, she walked past the kitchen and headed towards the front door.

That's when a rush of memories started to come back to her, she remembered the attack on the palace, The assault back in Gorteau.

" Shaiapouf, Menthuthuyoupi, ......Komugi, King......"

She said quietly before she was about the open the door, she remembered everything including her conflict with the boy back from the mansion. "Gon..." Pitou said as her mind began to wonder as if her conflicting emotions weren't bad enough, everything she said to him came flooding back.

She opens the door and found herself in the outside world, the scenery was quite nice. She could see the River from the distance not too far from here, for a moment everything was peaceful almost too good to leave. But she had to, she didn't know how long she was resting and was about to head off.

" I need to leave, I need to head back to the palace to see if everyone is okay." Said Pitou as she was about to prepare to speed off, she increased her leg muscles and was ready to launch off.

" Seriously, you're just gonna leave and not say thank you? That's pretty rude you know." The person said. Pitou quickly turned around to see a girl looking back at her, she was carrying a bunch of wood most likely coming back from the wood chopping.

Pitou looked at the girl and got a good view and notice she wasn't human at all, if anything she had brown fur, she also had a tail and cat ears just like herself the only difference was her eye color since they were brown.

" Think it's pretty rude you know? You could at least wait for my Master to get back, I mean, after all he did save you."

She was wearing a red shirt along with black shorts while wearing black boots.

"Are you...a chimera as well?" Said Pitou just wanting confirmation, now she had gotten a good look at her."That's right, and judging by your looks you as well?" Pitou Nod gave her a clear answer for a moment the two had an awkward silence.

" Hmmm, well I can always appreciate having another fellow cat girl around hehe" she said with a smile "Right.....well thanks for helping me, I'll be sure to repay you once I get back to the King." Said Pitou

" King?..... And who is that?" Said the girl Pitou only looked at her with disinterest and didn't bother to explain, she began to walk away until the girl spoke up.

"I wouldn't leave if I was you," said the girl. Pitou looked back at her with a slight irritation on her face. "excuse you? What makes you think you can give me orders? If anything I outrank you" Pitou said making sure she got the message.

"I honestly have no clue what you're talking about sweetheart, but hey don't say I didn't warn you." The girl said as She put the wood down.

"Look, ...I'm just trying to make sure you don't get hurt I'm at least trying to help you for your sake Ok?" The girl said with a bit more attitude.

"Look...I don't know who you think you are, but speak out of line again I will hurt you" Pitou threaten her.

" Yea...sure" she crossed her arms as and rolled her eyes at the threat.

" Enough..." In a blink of an eye, Pitou was about to punch the girl not enough to kill her but just enough to knock her out.

" 3.....2....1" the girl said as the large figure stepped right between them. Pitou wasn't able to react in time to say anything, and before she could get a word out.

She was slapped to the ground leaving a noticeable crater as she laid there completely knocked out.

With a very noticeable handprint on her face.

"HAHAHAHA!!! WELL! Looks like someone is alive and well!" Said the large man only, he wasn't human as well, He was a chimera too. he had the Body of a large man covered in Tiger fur his head was that of a Tiger as well, He stood 7 feet tall compared to the full-grown human male he towered over them.

" Huh?? Speak up and say something!!" He said with a booming voice, but Pitou was knocked out cold as she lay there, leaving a Very Large noticeable handprint on her face.

" Master ....she's out cold, you didn't have to go and do that you moron." the girl said with an annoyed tone. "BAH! No matter, she'll live! I mean, if she can survive with her face caved in then she can survive anything."

" Besides, I brought Dinner, and Tomorrow you got plenty of Training."
He said as he carried the massive Deer on his back, as he was walking back to Cabin.

" OH!, I almost forgot" he bent down, and Pickup Pitou with his free remaining arm and carried both the Dead Deer and Pitou. "Haha! Can't forget our sleeping beauty right!?"

His laugh was loud and proud like he had no care in the world.

" hehe, well I tried telling her but it's pretty funny seeing her being carried like that, hopefully, she isn't too mad."

The girl said as she was giggling " well, I better get the wood ready for the fire tonight...Deer does sound good right about now."

Pitou's Journey may have been delayed just a bit, but the real question is just how long has she been unconscious? Soon enough, she will get her Answers.

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