Building The Team

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" TKO!!! we have our winner! and she moves on to the next match!"

The crowd was going crazy after today's match with Makoto being the Winner.

"That was honestly too easy, I bet those higher ranks will be more than a challenge for me!" She said as she walked off stage.

Makoto was ahead of Pitou, Gon, and Rem although she still hasn't been able to fight due to her low rank. As she was barely able to keep it as of recently.

Makoto was ranked 26, Pitou was ranked 23, Gon was ranked 19, and Rem was only Ranked 6. It was important to get her higher so she would have an easier time getting more points.

As Makoto was heading to the break room to watch the other matches, she spotted something from the distance.

" Oh? What's going on here?"

She said as she peeked at the corner. Near the break room, it happened to be Millianna talking to Rem about something.

" Hey, guys! What are you two up to?"

"Rem wanted to ask me some advice about some tactics she could use... although she was lacking in self-confidence."

"I know.....maybe I'm not cut out for this...My ability is worthless..."

"Don't say that! nobody is worthless and you need to start believing in yourself more, and you know what? I believe in you!" Makoto exclaimed.

Rem appreciate her moral support from her, this was the first time she had a friend like this and it was nice for once.

" Hey have you guys seen Pitou or Gon? Those jerks didn't see me fight today!" Makoto said.

" You two head back to my room I'll go find them"

Millianna said as she started to look for the two, unlike Makoto she hasn't been in Pitou's business as of late. As she was walking through different hallways she heard two people talking on the other side of the corner.

Naturally, she was curious so she thought it wouldn't hurt to be a little interested to hear the conversation.

" OK! Then it's settled, I'll join you guys on your adventure! it sounds like fun. Plus I think you should see Killua again I'm curious about what he looks like now."

" hehe, I'm sure he's grown up as well, but it would be nice to spend more time with you.☺"

Millianna was able to recognize the two voices, it was Gon and Pitou discussing that he would join them. But the biggest surprise was she saw the unthinkable, Gon held her face and kissed her.

Pitou embraced him and the two showed their feelings for one another, it was touching that she found someone that didn't care that she wasn't a human. Millianna had the biggest grin on her that spread from ear to ear.

"Ooooooh, well isn't that something, From kitten to an adult cat, I should let them be and let them have their moment."🤭

She said to herself and left the two alone, but Millianna was happy to see Pitou find someone she likes it just really shows how far she has come. Although, a certain catgirl had a strange feeling she was being watched.

" What's wrong?" Asked Gon.

" I'm not sure but it felt like someone was there, it was probably nothing...we should get back to the others," Pitou said.

" sounds great, why don't you tell the others that we are dating now."

"And let them embarrass me?? No way! I won't hear the end of it, it's not that I don't want to be around you, it's just I know those two very well."😣

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