A Royal Queen of Chimeras

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A beautiful woman stood before Pitou, her elegance was truly stunning to say at least. Not only her looks were gorgeous, but she towered over Pitou she couldn't help but be slightly uncomfortable to be in her presence.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uneasy please, have a seat and...oh my let me take those awful things off of you" Jupiter said.

She placed her hand over her cuffs and instantly they broke apart with zero trouble. The fact she was able to break them with such ease caught Pitou off guard, but she was at least happy to finally be free.

She felt relief she hasn't felt in a long time.

"Thank you, I appreciate that, it feels good to finally move around for once!" Pitou said as she was stretching, finally being to flex her body.

"You are most welcome🤭Now, you like some tea? I made it myself."

"I would thank you ^^"

Jupiter started making lemon tea as Pitou waited for her, she couldn't quite help but notice her multi-task several things at once. She was making tea and preparing some cookies for her as well, the hospitality she was giving her was wonderful.

She had a calm and lovely Aura surrounding her almost as a mother would care for a child. She not only made Pitou feel at home but she asked herself, is this what it's like to have a mother? It was something she never thought about until now, as she was watching she couldn't help but think about her old queen.

"Our tea is ready, please, enjoy yourself young one,"

"Thank you!" Pitou said.

Pitou began sipping on her tea and was surprised at how wonderful it tasted.

"This is delicious, I've had tea before but this taste different."

"That's because it's from Jappon, during my travels I had a chance to visit there, and the humans were just the nicest people you could ever meet.🤭 although, I believe they have something called " Manga" and "Anime" I hear it's pretty popular over there hehe, " said Jupiter.

"😅 'I'm sure it's great over there...( I hope they aren't too obsessed with cat girls) what was it like over? Pitou asked.

" It was a wonderful experience, the culture over there was nothing I ever experienced. The city rarely ever sleeps, and I do plan on going there once again when I meet the Prime Minister."

"Now, it's time to discuss your future, there is a purpose for why you are here. You see Pitou...I represent a country, a nation, a place where all chimeras can call home and truly be themselves that country is called the Republic of Hass "

"Before your colony was born I also was born into royalty as well, I was once a queen among my colony...but I never partake in the consumption of humans, yes I have eaten from other types of animals but...never humans. My colony at the time was confused and so was my mother...I thought eating humans was wrong."

"My mother saw me as a failure and banished me, I thought I was truly alone....but too much to my surprise, I had some followers that would still follow me. And still, to this day they have never left my side...you should meet them when we have the time.😊"

Pitou was amazed to hear this, never once she had ever thought that chimeras would have evolved this far. This would mean that Jupiter is just as old as Victor maybe slightly older. It wouldn't hurt to ask right?

"Umm, I hope you don't mind if I ask this...and I hope you don't find this rude but, just how old exactly are you? " Pitou asked her."

Jupiter looked at her and smiled and replied.

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