A New Goal

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2 Weeks went by and Pitou and her friends were rising through the ranks during their time in Saints Tower. Pitou was ranked 56, Gon was Ranked 50, Rem was Ranked 49, and Makoto had the highest Rank of 60.

The group had been blasting through their Matches gaining a ton of popularity with the crowds. And soon enough, they were getting a lot of respect but not everyone wasn't too keen in seeing a bunch newbies.

"I seriously can't believe that punk kid is here as well."

"I know...but there is a difference, that other kid isn't with him this time hehe. so this time he won't have the same protection as last time."

The two individuals said to each other as they were watching the fight from their apartment. Meanwhile, Rem and Makoto were busy fighting their adversaries and to their credit, they weren't half bad.

" Take this!" One of them shouted at Rem as prepared herself for the oncoming attack, she created a bubbled shield to block most of the onslaught.

He was using some type of whip that was able to extend giving her opponent a better advantage in long range. Rem was having a hard time trying to attack and was quickly losing ground.

" This isn't good...I got to do something" Rem said to herself.

Meanwhile, Makoto was busy fighting her opponent although she was also having a hard time. Mainly because she couldn't get close to him.

His ability was he was able to create multiple arms that were able to extend giving him better range in his attacks.

"Just give up already! You can't touch me! I'll smash you into pieces before you reach me!"

"Dammit...this guy is annoying me, I can't even reach him...come on... Think" Makoto said to herself.

The girls were having a surprisingly tough time as the crowd was watching Millianna, Gon, and Pitou had been observing the match giving their opinions.

" Those guys are pretty good they are better than what I was expecting," Gon said.

" True, they may be decent but our girls will still win, it's only a matter of time before they figure out those guys' weak points," Millianna stated.

During the match, Pitou couldn't help but notice that Rem has still been struggling to perform well up until this point.

"Rem still lacking the conference, I wonder why is she holding back..." Pitou said out loud.

The three were watching their performance as the match continued, both of the girls were having trouble with their opponents making them regroup and form a plan.

" Rem what the heck!? I seriously need you on your game and help me with this guy."

"I...I know it's just...."

She was cut off before she could finish her sentence as she was struck by oncoming attacks knocking her down.

"Rem!" Makoto shouted, as she watched her get sent across the stage. She was struggling to get up as she was hit repeatedly on her back causing her great injuries.

"Come on! Fight back already! Why is she reluctant to go all out? She going to get herself killed at this point." Millianna said.

For some reason Rem has been holding back for most of her matches. for whatever reason, something is holding her back. During this time Makoto had to fight both of her opponents at once since Rem wasn't being helpful.

Makoto was getting hurt by the minute trying to protect her friend, and Rem only saw in horror just how badly hurt she was.

Until finally being knocked down next to Rem but unsurprisingly Makoto got right back up.

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