Hunter X Hunted Part 2 Ant Vs Spider

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The once peaceful night was suddenly shattered by the sound of two battles about to take place. Pitou wasted no time in charging towards Machi, but she soon realized that Machi was not to be underestimated.

With each swipe of Pitou's claws, the area was left with deep claw marks. However, Machi was quick on her feet and proved to be a formidable opponent. Machi's speed and strength were impressive, and Pitou couldn't help but be intrigued.

As she dodged and weaved Pitou's attacks, Machi pulled out wires and flung them at her in an attempt to trap her. Pitou was no fool and quickly evaded the wires, jumping from the ceiling to the ground with ease.

Thanks to her agility, she was able to keep up with Machi's movements. Suddenly, Machi flash-stepped behind Pitou and delivered a powerful double kick to her face, causing her to crash down. As the dust settled, a yellow string shot out from the rubble, attaching itself to Machi.

The intensity of the battle was palpable, and both fighters were determined to come out on top. As the fight continued, it was clear that this was not going to be an easy victory for either of them.

"Take this!" Pitou shouted as she darted across the area, delivering a gut-wrenching blow to Machi. The force of the punch was more powerful than she had anticipated, sending Machi crashing through the wall. Pitou thought to herself, "There's no way she's finished." Suddenly, needles were shooting directly at her.

"This human has more tricks than I thought," Pitou mused. "Well, in that case, I'll have to use my own tricks as well." As Pitou dodged the needles, she noticed wounds on her body.

She felt a painful sensation and realized they were cuts. "How did she hit me?" Pitou wondered, as more needles shot out from the exposed wall. She quickly got up and avoided them, but stumbled and was cut again.

That's when Machi slammed her to the ground, wrapping her in wires to prevent her from escaping. "This battle is over," Machi declared. "Any last words?"

Pitou smirked and laughed. "What's so funny?" Machi demanded. "You're about to die and you find that funny?"

"Because I have you right where I want you!" Pitou exclaimed. Suddenly, two yarn balls blasted through the ground, hitting Machi's face and sending her flying to the ceiling.

Pitou took advantage of the opportunity, jumping up and delivering a powerful kick to Machi's face, sending her crashing through the ceiling to the second floor of the building. As Pitou reached the second floor, she saw Machi standing there, waiting for her. Both combatants stared each other down, waiting for the other to make a move. Then, they rushed at each other, engaging in a fierce hand-to-hand combat.

Pitou and Machi were evenly matched in close-quarters combat, blocking and hitting each other with all their might. Pitou dropped to the floor and stood on her hands, performing a series of spinning kicks

Machi expertly blocked Pitou's attacks, but she soon realized that each strike was becoming more forceful than the last. She quickly retreated, creating some distance between them, and activated her wires. Pitou, not one to be outdone, released her own strings of yarn and waited for Machi's next move.

In the blink of an eye, the two were once again locked in combat, their attacks becoming faster and more intense with each passing moment. They moved so quickly that shock waves rippled through the battle area, causing the building to shake.

Their combos were devastating, and to Pitou's surprise, Machi proved to be a formidable opponent, keeping up with her every step of the way. This was a rare occurrence for the two fighters.

Finally, with one last burst of energy, they rushed towards each other and landed simultaneous punches to the face, sending them both flying back a few feet. Pitou rubbed her sore cheek as Machi did the same, both fighters taking a moment to catch their breath before continuing the intense battle.

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