Redemption X Consequence

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A whole week had passed and the Hospital was surprisingly calm for the most part, nurses were walking through the hallways running from patient to patient. It is just another normal day like any other.

As the nurses were busy working, two voices were arguing and it was quite clear...they were being loud, the older male who was fighting with Gon wasn't happy with his reckless actions.

"Are you freaking joking!? You could've gotten yourself killed for being this reckless!"

" It's not like I had a choice! My friends were in trouble so I had to help them out, you must be dumb to think I would abandon them. Also, where were you all this time huh???" Gon responded right back to him.

"Why you little.....I should slap some sense into you!"

The two were busy complaining meanwhile, down the hallway in Room 23 is where Pitou was resting, a week had passed since that fateful night News started to spread among top officials, but the public wasn't informed what exactly happened that night so it was beneficial to keep that a secret.

Pitou slowly started open her eyes and finally woke up and found herself in a hospital bed, she began to look around to see what exactly happen.

"Huh? ....where am I? I can't remember what happened, how long have I been sleeping?"

She asked herself as she slowly got up and started walking to exit the room, her balance was wobbling at best but she continued walking and left the room. As she was walking she noticed her major injuries were healed up, that's when she remembered her fight back at the casino.

Then she realized if she was here then her friends would be here as well, it was a good guess nonetheless.

She also noticed the hospital gown she was wearing, as she was walking she couldn't help but hear loud voices from the distance so she decided to follow the sounds from where they were coming from.

She got closer and closer to finally see who was yelling.

"Don't you ever do something so stupid such as that ever again Gon!! Ya, hear me!?" The man said jamming his finger on his forehead.

"I already told you I was sorry! What more do you want me to say!?" Gon shouted at him

"Would you two stop yelling already!? I could hear you guys from the distance."

A voice shouted at the two to stop that's when Gon noticed who this was, he suddenly ran over to hug Pitou almost making her fall down just from the sudden impact.

"Geez! Take it easy act like you haven't seen me in forever ^^;" she said laughing nervously.

"But you were! It's been a week since I last saw you, plus I was worried you wouldn't wake up.😟" He said

"Wait......A WEEK!?"

"Yeah, look why don't you come with us so I can explain everything," Gon said to her.

After some time, Gon explained exactly what happen during the time frame where she was asleep. Pitou had been unconscious due to her exhaustion making her have to recharge herself throughout the whole week.

She had used more Nen than had realized, not to mention, her injuries were also a big factor in that as well.

"You also lost a lot of blood when I was carrying you, I was afraid that I might have been too late to save you, so I rushed to the nearest hospital I could find." Gon said.

"I see, wait...Where is Makoto!? Is she ok???"

Pitou insanity stood up in a frantic manner that's when the tall young man got up and tried to comfort her.

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