A New Opportunity

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5 hours had passed and after Pitou agreed to go with Morel and Knuckle, of course, not everyone was on board with this. But it had to happen, especially with Millianna, Makoto, and Rem trying their best to contain themselves.

Pitou was arrested and followed the two men into a black limousine and left the hospital.

After some time, Pitou was in a cell with her hands and legs cuffed, not a lot of people trusted her and they only did this to make sure she wouldn't try anything. But Pitou was calm and just accepted the reality of her situation and in all honesty, it was understandable why some of the humans were cautious to be around her.

Pitou would often comply with the demands and did what the guards would tell her to do, she had a feeling this would be a routine soon enough.

( 3 weeks later, after being arrested)

The prison that Pitou was in wasn't your typical normal prison despite its large size it was specifically made for one person, her. This place was called (Yorknew state maximum security) and the guards weren't just normal humans, they were powerful Nen users that could rival her in strength.

She could have the potential in defeating one but a whole mass of them would be foolish trying to fight them all, but her intentions were not to cause trouble it was just to comply and follow orders, if anything Pitou showed she would often try to have conversations.

But, these people wouldn't have it.

She had on your typical orange jumpsuit with her hands cuffed and her legs chained she was still able to walk nonetheless but that was about it. But the chains she had on were not normal ones by any means, they were specifically made to make sure nobody would use their abilities.

These were powerful Nen abilities as well so they were not easy to break off, her days were the same she would be interviewed, eat, and be examined by the medical specialists to research her body.

They weren't cruel, but more information about old Chimera ants would be beneficial for science, so, she agreed.

"Ok, Ms.Neferpitou I'm finished you may return to your cell now, your escort is waiting for you outside."😑

"Ok, thanks for the annual check-ups doc "😊Pitou said to him.

He didn't look back and continued to write his notes as she left the room, the long hallways made the presence of the building seem ominous with the many prison cells empty and her being the only inmate.

She would often notice armed guards with heavily made bodysuits and high-powered rifles pointed directly toward her, mounted machine guns from the ceilings were also pointed toward her as many cameras observed her every movement, she even had multiple cameras in her cell as well.

It was safe to say that they did not trust her in the slightest, the only time she would have any privacy was if she were to use the bathroom or to take her annual showers.

But even then female guards would be in the shower waiting for her while still wearing their body armor, and they were also Nen users as well.

Once Pitou was back in her cell the lights would cut off and she would only have a candle next to her, it would be her only source of light for each night.

" *sigh*.....I wonder if they will ever trust me, ......but today wasn't so bad... the people here are nice, well I better get some rest." She said as she drifted to sleep.

This was just another day for Pitou and perhaps she would be right.

( another week later)

4 weeks had passed and Pitou would often follow her daily schedules, but something changed on the first day of Monday she would be escorted to the testing chamber and More testing and experiments would take place.

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