Past X future

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4 years had passed and life had kept moving on Humanity continued to resume its normalcy. After many years humans and Chimeras were starting to get used to each other in fact, Chimeras were starting to look more human than ever before.

In the past it was quite easy to identify a chimera ant, The Hunter Association all they had to do was to look at the outside appearance and it was easy to identify, but in recent years chimeras looked more human than one could realize.

Although some did have more animalistic features such as ears, tails even added fur, fangs, claws, and many more features that the Association had to identify. It became more troublesome because it was getting harder and harder to tell these days.

The Chairman of the Association made her final decision designating them as demi-humans/chimeras, what was more surprising was the Boost of applicants for the hunter examination.

More humans and chimeras wanted to become Hunters, but it was still important to keep an eye on them.
at least they have more hunters to deal with Rogue Hunters.

Some Chimeras started to get into higher positions in the political world, even running their independence others wanted to represent their kind. But in recent years one woman had started to get more support for her kind

Her message was repeated to other countries across the world.

"Humans and Chimeras can live together in harmony if work we work hard and support each other, then the future is ever brighter."

Elsewhere, in a city called La Mesa, the streets were packed and two girls were waiting for their friend in a clothing store The little shop was called Little Seoul, and naturally, one girl started to get impatient.

" Gah! She always takes Forever!!!.."

"Relax she's enjoying herself, and besides, this was YOUR idea"

"Yea, Yea, I Just don't want to miss out on the competition! today's the day we finally get recognized!"

The girls were busy talking as the figure walked out of the store showing off her new clothes, and in all honesty, it was perfect for her.

" you look good, I'm digging the new look ready to head out?"

"You sure it's going to be ok? I don't want Hunters coming after us,"

One of the girls showed worry and looked at her despite her being a Pro Hunter Herself.

"It's fine because I'm going to be Pro Hunter as well, I didn't do all this training for nothing Now did I?"

"It's fine because I'm going to be Pro Hunter as well, I didn't do all this training for nothing Now did I?"

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" Now, our ride will be here soon we can just chill here and wait." Said Pitou.

" Man, I'M JUST SO PUMPED!! Hope we fight some strong opponents at this tournament I am itching to go!" The girl who was the most excited was Makoto.

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