Hunter X Hunted Final, Makoto Vs Franklin

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Pitou was laying on the floor drifting in and out of consciousness she couldn't help but feel something shaking her gently. As if someone was trying to wake up, it had been quite some time since she passed out.

"Pitou! Pitou! Please....please wake up...please..."

A voice was crying out her name slowly she started to open her eyes and recognize who was with her, it was a young man holding on to her and she knew exactly who this was.


He looked at her and wiped away some tears from his face, he started hugging her. happy that she was ok at least it was major relief on his mind and he couldn't be any happier.

"I'm so happy you're ok! I was seriously worried about you Pitou...I'm just so relieved..."

"Gon, it's ok...I'm fine, I didn't know you would come looking for me like this...I'm sorry if I had you worried." Pitou said to him.

" It's ok, ^^ I'm just happy to see you alive and well," he said.

Willing to put his life on for her sake,he was just relieved that she was at least ok. Hugging her tightly making sure Pitou knew he truly cared for her safety.

She was happy to know that Gon was willing to go this far just to protect her.

"Gon, we need to help Makoto I know she's still fighting and we need to help her...." Pitou said.

"I know, but I wanted to come and get you first," He said.

"Alright...then let's get....." Pitou lost her balance and was about to fall but that's when Gon grabbed her just in time to catch her.

Pitou still wasn't healed from her fight and was in no shape to fight right now, so Gon just picked her up and carried her on his back.

"Hey! Who said you could just carry me Gon."

"Come on, I know you're tired and you need rest, so just sit tight and let me do the work ok? " He said giving her a thumbs up

Pitou couldn't help but blush embarrassingly at him and simply held tight, Gon got up and started walking making sure he wasn't moving too much to make her fall off.

"Hey Pitou...can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it Gon?"

"Did you hold back against her? the person you were fighting?" he asked.

Pitou took a moment to think about his question and thought about her experience with Machi, she was a worthy opponent and possibly the second strongest she had to fight.

"No, I had to put everything I had to fight against her, she was a strong fighter and it only shows I need to get stronger with my abilities." She said.

Gon decided to pick up the pace it was time for them to get moving and help Makoto.

( Meanwhile)

Franklin and Makoto were still fighting as the whole area around them was breaking apart from their intense battle. Franklin was keeping up the suppressed firepower this was making it harder for Makoto, as she was dodging she hadn't noticed her surroundings.

The ground was starting to collapse and the Battleground was starting to get loose, sooner or later, this fight will reach its conclusion and Makoto knew this would eventually happen.

Any chance she would get she would be able to get a few hit combos before retreating to a safe distance. She was at a disadvantage at this point and couldn't get close to him, in those brief moments he would suddenly stop shooting and land a few crushing blows sending her back

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