Old Habits X Twisted Nature

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The Mysterious New girl stood tall and puffed out her chest, showing a display of confidence to her opponents.

"Come on, I'm getting old here who's next?" Said the new girl, Pitou stood there looking at her, She was wearing an Orange T-shirt along with black pants.

She had on a yellow and back jacket along with a pair of grey sneakers, and she also had a pair of black fighting gloves, but what stood out the most was she wasn't a human as well she was a chimera too.

She had a long fluffy tail that was like a squirrel and ears to go along with her looks, one's thing was for sure she was strong even if she was holding back.

"Well, that was disappointing, oh well...hmm? " she turns around to see Pitou and Millianna looking back at her.



The two ran to each other and hugged this caught Pitou off guard for a bit she wasn't expecting to see this encounter.

"I should've known that was your voice, I got a little worried for a bit," Millianna said.

"Oh come on, you know I can handle things on my own, and besides, these guys were weak anyway.😁" She said to her friend, Pitou felt awkward around the two.

"Oh right! How rude of me, Makoto this is my new friend Pitou." She said as she introduced the both.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," Pitou said with a smile as she held out her hand.

"Nice to meet ya! Any friend of Millianna is a friend of mine." She said with a smile and shook her hand.

The three started to walk around town still not seeing anybody, Millianna was starting to get worried.

" This isn't right...what happened to all the people that were living here? It's suddenly a ghost town." Millianna said.

"Those guys that I just finished up beating might have something to do with this" Makoto pointed out the weapons they were carrying around them.

"I saw these guys before on one of my missions but I didn't pay them much mind, I only assume they were bandits is all," Makoto said.

"I think I'm going to assume that they kidnapped townsfolk and they have them hidden somewhere." Said Pitou.

"Wait, are you sure? Seems a bit far-fetched if you ask me." Said Makoto.

"It's a logical conclusion, in my opinion, these humans are carrying firearms but my question is this...what's the biggest place here in this town?" Asked Pitou.

" *Gasp* The old church!!"

Both Makoto and Millianna said, now realize what exactly is going on but would Pitou be right?

" Millianna, lead the way so we can follow you" Pitou said to her.

The three started to head further into town.

" Hey, Pitou, what makes you think they could be at the Church?" Asked Makoto.

" It's simple, why else would these humans be carrying these firearms? Not to mention you took out most of them before we got here. I'm willing to bet they want something in this town, and I bet other grunts are around here too," Pitou explained.

"Hmm, that makes sense then let's stick together and take these guys out!" Millianna said.

Before they knew it, they found more armed thugs trying to break into a home, 25 of them to be exact. Pitou was right they were looking for something. Without hesitation, Pitou leaped forward and roundhouse kicked one of the thugs knocking him out and leaving 24 left.

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