Chapter 12

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I'm sorry i haven't updated for a few months... >.> But now I'm updating a chapter, so yay!

We finally get to Tamaki's house and I'm very nervous of his reaction. Will he be excited? Or will he get mad and dump me in the streets? After 5 minuets of thinking I snap back into reality and knock on the door. His maid opens the door and tells me Tamaki is in his room. I go up the gigantic stairway and follow the hallway to his room. I start shaking and just stand at his door nervously.
Should I just go home and call him? Would that be easier?
I still stand there thinking then his door opened, and I look up quickly to see a half naked Tamaki. It looks like he just woke up.
He's so sexy looking...
Wahh!! I keep getting distracted!! I have to say something and quick!!
"I uhm like your face this morning.. I mean your shirt.. Wait you don't have a shirt on well I uhmm-" He interrupts me, laughing.
"What are you doing here so early, (y/n)?"
" I..... I.....H-have to.... L-like..." I stutter trying to think of what to say to him.
"Is something wrong? What happened?" He asks panicking.
Shiiiit... Of out of all the places..
"Tamaki... Where's your bathroom????" I try to say as calmly as possible.
"It's over there to the left. Is everything ok-" Before he could finish, I had to run to the bathroom. He followed me quickly. I threw up in front of him and now it's pretty self explanatory why I came to his house.
"Oh my god, (y/n) are you okay? Are you like sick or -"
"Pregnant.." I mumble real quietly.
"What?" He says innocently.
I turn around to face him.
"Tamaki... I'm pregnant."
His eyes widened and we both stood in the bathroom in awkward silence.
Is it a bad thing or a good thing? I don't know whether to ask if he's okay or just stand here for another 20 minutes.
"Tamaki?" I say breaking the silence.
"S-s-so you're saying that... I'm going to be a d-dad?" He says staring at the floor.
"You're not going to leave me are you?" My eyes start to tear up.
He looks up real quickly and gives me a hug and a kiss on the fore head.
"Of course not. I'm not going to leave you and our baby."
I broke into tears of happiness.
Was this a new beginning?

Hey guys, sorry it's kinda a short chapter. The plan was, was that you caught Tamaki and Haruhi sleeping together but i didn't know how the story would go after that. But after this chapter, I'm going to do a time skip to when you're giving birth. I'll be sure to try and get that updated asap. But anyways I hope you like this short chapter, and see you in the next one!!

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