Chapter 5: Stuck in the bathroom.

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"T-tamaki!" I say surprised.

He kissed me! I keep saying that in my head.

T-Tamaki kissed me!

Tamaki then smirks at me.

"It looks like you stopped crying." He says with a warming smile.

I just sit there, staring at him.

"Are you doing anything after school?" Tamaki asks me.

"U-um... N-no." I say blushing. I keep thinking about the kiss over and over again.

"You're really cute when you're blushing." Tamaki says in a low voice.

Haruhi then bursts through the door.

"I.... Ran....Through....The....Whole....School....Searching....For...You.." Haruhi says while panting.

"I'm really sorry, Haruhi." I say.

"I'm just glad... You're okay and that... Tamaki found you." She says, still panting.

The bell then rang, causin chaos in the halls. (Today was Friday, and you were in your last hour, study hall.)

I then heard somebody walk towards the bathroom.

"Hide!!" I said in a loud whisper.

I pulled Haruhi and Tamaki in a stall with me.

"Did you hear about what happened to Cora?" A student said walking past my stall.

"Omg, yes! How could I not? That poor girl. I knew that she shouldn't of done that!" Another student answered her.

"BAHHHHHH!" Tamaki then yells like a girl in our stall.

"What was that?!" One of them said.

One of them walked towards our stall. "Hey are you okay?" She asked.

Tamaki answered in a girl voice, " YASSSS! I'M JUST HAVING HORRIBLE CRAMPS!" He says as he makes weird noices behind me.

The girl then just backed away from our stall, and we heard them whisper and leave.

I then burst out laughing.

Tamaki X Reader: Be my Senpai!Where stories live. Discover now