Chapter 15: Welcome to the world.

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~Alright guys, this is the last chapter! So like I haven't touched this story in a long ass time and I'm sorry. I think it's super cringey and yeeted it out of my life for awhile but I'm gonna finish it because i want it done. So here the last chapter, love you all bye <3~

"Y/n!! Are you okay?!" Tamaki runs up to me.

"I.. The.. The babies are coming Tamaki.."

Tamaki just looks at me in confusion.

"B-but... They aren't supposed to be due until like a few weeks..."

"Yeah well I guess they're just too excited to see us." I give a slight smile.

Tamaki grabs on to me and pulls me with him outside of the church into his car.

"Buckle up, we're about to have twins." He starts the car and pushes on the gas peddle making me almost fly against the window.

"Jesus, Tamaki! You're going to get us killed!"

"Just hold on, we're almost there!" He focuses, trying to speed our way to the hospital.

We pull up into the emergency room and he jumps out of the car. He runs to open my door and grabs onto me softly to help me out.

"Come on (y/n), let's go meet our girls." He gives a charming smile that melts my heart.

We walk our way into the building and nurses and doctors come to help assist me. They put me into a wheel chair and we get into a room. They hook me up to an IV and we keep track of my contractions.

We wait about 45 minutes, and my grandma shows up.

"ITS TIME TO PUSH THESE CUTE LIL SUCKERS OUT, NOW!" She waddles her old self to the edge of the bed.

"NOW ON THE COUNT OF 3, PUSH... ONE... TWO...THREE............"

Tamaki, me , and the nurses look and grandma in confusion.


"Grandma.... it's going to take awhile." Tamaki says.

"Listen here. I didn't come here for it to just 'take awhile'. Now get the cute parasites out. Please?" She gives us puppy dog eyes.

I roll my eyes. "We're trying grandma." I grab her hand and smile. "They'll be here soon."

A few hours of pain passes. I've been trying to push them out. Tamaki has held my hand the whole time. Though I feel bad, I think I broke his thumb for squeezing it too hard.

The doctor looks up in excitement.

"I see a head! I see some beautiful Carmel hair!"

Tamaki's eyes glow. "I'm going to be a daddy! I'm finally going to be a daddy! Keep pushing (y/n), you've got this."

I push as hard as I can, squeezing Tamaki's hand and wailing in pain. I push and push. Until I hear a faint little cry. I open my eyes and see my first little girl. Tamaki runs over to the doctor and starts to cry.

"She's beautiful just like her mother." He smiles.

"You still have one more. You can do this. Just keep the pushes coming." The doctor encourages me.

I push with all my might.

"Alright... another head.... pure blonde hair.... keep going we're almost there"

Tamaki rushes over back to me and holds my hand. He kisses my forehead. "You can do it, beautiful."

With one final push, I hear another cry. They're finally here.

My grandma runs around the room screaming.


Me and Tamaki look at each other in shock.

"Grandma... little ears." I point to the babies.

She covers her mouth and apologizes.

Our two little girls named ( baby #1's name ) and ( baby #2's name ) we're finally born. Everyone was so excited.

The priest came to our hospital room and some of the people from the wedding came too. We weren't finishing the day without getting married.

I sit up next to Tamaki and the priest reads.

"We are gathered together here to unite Tamaki and ( y / n ) in the bonds of matrimony." The priest says.

He looks up at Tamaki. "Do you take (y/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Tamaki looks to me and smiles sweetly. "I do."

The priest looks at me. "Do you take Tamaki to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I smile back at Tamaki. "I do."

"By the authority vested in me by the State of ( your state )I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Tamaki leans down and kisses me softly. "I love you"


~Alright, I tried in my best ability to try and make this last chapter at least decent.

Drop a comment and tell me what you named your twins :)

Thank you all so much for reading this story. I love reading all your guys comments. 💖

Farewell 💖 ~

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