A hideout compromised

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As far as change was concerned, nothing really happened. Other than June changed into July and that changed into August. The hideout truly lived up to its name, and almost in an instant was somewhere I always craved to be. The poorly lit bar was covered in at least an inch of grime, no matter how much cleaning I came in to do. The smoke from patrons cigarettes clung to the air penetrating deep into my lungs. I always have smoked on occasion, but since starting I picked up the habit to the point where my daily commute to work involved stopping for a pack. The live music could definitely be a hit or miss depending on who was booked, but one of my favorites had actually become a band that drove over from a town away. The ' Insomniacts" where insanely talented and played nothing but originals, which actually held up better than most of that shit on the radio. The band "Corroded Coffin" played once a week, they were okay to listen to but nothing but covers. One thing I learned from my parents line of work is that flattery is everything , but will get you nowhere in rock and roll. The money was great. People usually tip pretty well, especially as the night wears on. The drunker they get the more appreciative they are and my pockets had really noticed the extra padding. It still wasn't an astronomical amount, but enough to get me on the road to my own life.

I was pulled from my thoughts as a van cut me off turning left into the parking lot as I tried to turn in on my right side. No blinke, no breaks just barreling in. I slammed on the horn just as hard as I did the brakes. My car is screaming from the strain of such an abrupt stop. I flipped them the bird and pulled in right behind them blocking the van in its parking spot. I have always been a hot head, but one thing that really pissed me off was someone who cannot drive. As I hop out I notice the Iron maiden sticker on the back and instantly am ready to have an all out fist fight. For someone who plays cover songs of real artists' works, he sure was a cocky son-of-a-bitch.

"What in the actual flying fuck was that Munson?" I scream as I throw my fists into the air in exsapiration. He hopped out and looked at me, one dark colored eye brow raised as if truly dumb founded why some girl is screaming at him like a lunatic. I quickly raise mine up wrinkling my forehead as deep as i physically could, waiting for whatever idiotic excuse he was trying so hard to muster up.

" I.. umm..well you had sat there so long I thought you were parking in the middle of the road. I saw you like an entire mile out just sitting there, so by the time I went to turn I assumed that It was my turn. Had I known it was such a beautiful maiden I would have never dreamed of causing you such an inconvenience" he dripped with sarcasm as he did a theatrical curtsy. I for the first time since starting at the bar was speechless. I have always been a quick witted sarcastic, and working at the bar with drunks everywhere has only helped fine tune that skill. Munson popping off with such an off the wall way to insult me, truly left me dumbfounded. He really insulted me in King Arthur , who the hell does that?!

"Well had I known it was you I would've... well I...SHIT!" I huffed out in exasperation knowing in his mind he would call that stuttering and stammering a victory. I scowled over at him propped up against his van laughing with one arm allowing him to rest on the van the other taking a longggg drag off of a joint. He wasn't the ugliest creature I had ever seen by any means. Those beautiful dark curls falling onto his shoulders. He had a slender yet strong build to him, with calloused fingers from years of playing guitaer. I caught myself holding my breath as I made it up to his face and scanned it with mine from the chin up. Eddie's skin was as clear as spring water after a summer storm. His mouth, which was cocked in a smirk from stunning me to silence, looked so soft and warm. I made it up to his eyes and caught my breath in an uncontrollable gasp! They were the warmest , most comforting brown eyes I had ever seen. They gleamed with an air of confidence I didn't know eyes could hold, but you could also see hurt in them. Almost... haunted in a way. I quickly lost myself in my thoughts about what secrets those eyes could hold when a snicker quickly derailed my entire thought process.

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