Take me away Mr.Munson

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Walking side by side as we walk into the venue, I can feel the energy in the air. It is such a different vibe being out here with regular fans than backstage. Eddie hands the employee our tickets smiling ear to ear. I feel my heart flutter and my own smile is growing into a full blown grin. Without thinking I reach out and grab his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers and he gives me a firm squeeze back letting me know he is fine with it. We weave through the crowd scanning for our seats, Eddie tightens his grip on my hand,reassuring me I won't be lost in the sea of drunks. I see the sign for our section by the stairs to the upper part of the arena and tug on his hand to follow. I'm leading the way up the steps navigating slick spills and mysterious sticky spots.

" Hey Y/N! What are you doing here? God you have grown right up on me!" A man is yelling. Of course someone noticed me trying to have a normal damn night. I turn to see Lee, an old friend of my dads, beaming over with a grin. I take a quick glance over to Eddie, confusion and a hint of concern consuming his chocolate eyes, and I just give him a small smirk. I pull him with me to go be polite, knowing I'm about to regret it.

" Hey uncle Lee, how's it going?" I politely ask, praying he is too high to hold a conversation. I feel Eddie's confusion in his grip, giving him a small squeeze of reassurance back.

" It's going, how come you aren't with the folks? They're backstage right now, do you want me to go get them so you and your... friend... can meet up with them?" He is giving Eddie a concerned look. Lee was around for the end of the relationship with Ray, so seeing me clinging onto another metal head's hand was raising some red flags. I feel my stomach drop knowing Eddie heard what he just said about my parents. That is the one thing I really wanted to wait to talk about, to really see his intentions, but I know those questions are now going to come a lot sooner.

" No thanks, we're just here to watch the show and relax. Too much happens back there, you can't really enjoy the music. Thanks though , it was good to see you!" I'm basically dragging Eddie up the stairs, while he looks at me with the most perplexed look I have ever seen. He almost has a unibrow from scrunching his eyebrows so hard.

" Hey, well at least let me put you kids in a better spot. No need for you to be in the nosebleeds." he states motioning us to follow him. I do, but the way he just shit on our seats broke my heart. Eddie was so excited to surprise me with those just to hear how bad they were, it was a gut punch. I refrain from looking back at him. I don't want to see any excitement disappear from his eyes. Our first date so far was not going at all like it should have. Lee leads us down to the floor flashing his badge to walk us right up to the stage.

" You kids have too much fun tonight, and do everything ol uncle Lee would do." He chuckles as he gives me an awkward side hug. I half heartedly hug him back, giving him my best we will look as he walks back to his security post. Finally time to face the music I think as I turn back to face Eddie. What I had prepared myself to see was nowhere near what I get. Eddie is beaming ear to ear as his gaze slowly traces the length of the stage, soaking in every detail. Feeling my gaze on him, he turns to look at me, grinning even wider, if that was even possible.

" You aren't upset? You had us perfectly fine seats, you had to pay for?" I inquire a lot confused about what the hell is going on.

" NO! Why the fuck would I be pissed, look at this. We are so close they might sweat on us?" His excitement is so palpable, I feel myself letting a smile slip across my face. I'm dreading the conversation on the drive home, I know he's going to ask. The part of me that's falling so deeply for Eddie already wants to open up and tell him everything. But the guarded hurt lonely and used part of me wants to run far and fast. Praying for someone who truly just wanted me has been for naught so far. It's always the ones that either want to use me from the beginning, or only stick around once they know about my parents. I have wanted to date a non metal musician, just a regular old Joe. Those kinds of guys don't really take an interest in a girl like me , other than in a I fucked the hot metal girl in secret kind of way. Especially in a town like Hawkins, they didn't want someone they couldn't parade around and be proud of. I thought about asking out Steve once, not because I really liked him , but because he didn't seem to be much on labels. He seemed like someone who was just kind, having basically adopted the entire junior weirdo squad. It wouldn't have been fair to him though, I would have just been doing what I feared from others, using him and I could never do that to Steve. Also it became more and more apparent that he was still in love with Nancy Wheeler. Even though I don't have those feelings for Steve , I still feel like he deserves better than Nancy. Something about her and the way she broke his heart, and then was going through a rough patch with her boyfriend and wheeled Steve back in, only to stay with him. To me it seemed like she was selfish and only wanted people on her time, but to each their own I guess.

I jolt from my thinking as Eddie lets out a yell that rattles me to my core. Coming back to reality I hear the start up to looks that kill and realize it's showtime. Shaking the negativity out I start to move to the music and let go I feel Eddie wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him as we both start belting it out. I look over at Eddie and can't help but feel my heart swell seeing him so happy .

" She's got the looks that kill , that kill oh!!"

 Eddie looks over at me during the chorus swaying his hips and throwing his head side to side. He is pointing at me while singing to the chorus and I blush, making him become even more dramatic, pulling a fake to his chest , as if my eye contact alone just killed him. I pull him over to where my swaying with the music aligns directly with his pressing my ass and back against his hip and torso and just let the music take over. We stay like this the rest of the show and I know as the time is dwindling down I'd do anything to stay like this forever to live in this moment for all eternity. The way our bodies wrap around each other perfectly, how his breath feels on my neck and ear as he sings his heart out. In all my life I have never had a peace like this, pure ecstasy and I will pay any price to hold onto him,onto this. It's too early to feel the way I'm feeling at this moment. I don't even know much about him, mostly just what conversation we had on the way here. I also don't know how he feels he could just have a good time but not anything serious. Just a girl and a concert and tomorrow back to saying hey and teasing me in passing at work. The thought of this reals me back in, I know better than to think I'm falling for someone on the first date. We will probably get back to his van. He'll want to get down and dirty and then call it. Sharing only awkward moments when we run into each other and the memories of tonight. For some reason the thought of that makes my eyes water, and I shake my head to dissipate them. I come back to reality just in time to belt out the chorus of the song they're playing loud and proud.

" oh I'm to young ( too young to fall in love) much still young

(too young to fall in love) oh , i'm to young

(too young to fall in love) too young to fall in love"

 I am singing along with much more meaning than I anticipated feeling my inner turmoil bubbling out through the lyrics. Eddie spins me around to face him as we both swing our hips and shoulders, our chests now pressed together Eddie looks at me as he belts it out

" You say our love is like dynamite

It's no surprise you've got one- way eyes

Well ,now you're killing me, your loves a guillotine

Not yet a man, just a punk in the street" 

 I join him to finish out the rest of the song with him doing the backing part and we stayed eyes locked for the rest of the song. Emotions are high and on the last "too young to fall in love" do what I did in the van and just let those emotions win and pull his face towards mine. Locking our lips together I feel the goosebumps start at the tip of my toes and travel all the way up my body. Eddie is quick this time to kiss back and kiss back hard. I feel his tongue pressing against my lips asking for entrance to my mouth and I eagerly let him. His tongue quickly asserts dominance, sending mine into submission and I happily let it. The kiss is becoming more sloppy and desperate, Eddie has his hand with his rings tangled into a knot in my hair at the base of my head pulling my head back bringing my lips up towards him deepening the kiss. His other hand is wrapped around my lower back holding onto the side of my hip pulling my lower half against his and I can feel him getting hard. Feeling him so erect just from making out like this I fully give in, taking both of my arms underneath his armpits on each side snaking my way up to where my hands are resting on the back of his shoulders and pull him in as tightly to me as I can. I feel myself dripping wet and know no matter how bad I know I may regret it tomorrow, I need him, I need this. Every touch,kiss, every little grunt he lets out when I roll my hips into him as we kiss.

Suddenly we're pulled apart by what feels like a brick wall. I crash onto the floor and Eddie flys back onto a group of people. Looking around I see a very drunk middle aged guy apologizing.

" I am so sorry sweetheart are you okay? I was just trying to beat the crowd to the bathroom and tripped!" He is so drunk his words are in cursive. He is slurring so badly I just wave my hand at him to let him know he's fine and pull myself up off the floor.Looking over to see Eddie apologizing to the people he landed on,I walk over to him laughing.

" Let's get out of here Y/N sound like a plan? He gives me a side smirk causing a dimple to pop out as his eyes give away the lustful thoughts he is having.

" Take me away Mr.munson" 

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