Videos and weird vibes

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The days following the incident at the hideout passed in an oddly normal way. After seeing Ray and seeing that he obviously wasn't over anything that happened. I was walking on eggshells. I took the next couple of days off from work as well. I hated missing out on the money, but thinking about him knowing where I worked made my skin crawl. I decided to spend some time today with the only two friends I really had. I threw on a black cropped t-shirt and black pleated skirt along with my boots and ran a brush through my hair. No need for makeup I thought as I walked downstairs to grab my keys. Robin and Steve both worked open to close today at the family video, so no point in putting on a full face of makeup to go hang out at their work.

I picked up my bag and keys off the kitchen table and was so lost in my own head trying to remember which muffins Steve liked from the diner, I didn't notice my dad and ran straight into him ,spilling his coffee all over his shirt. SHIT SHIT SHIT, I scream in my head knowing now I'll have to talk to him.

" Oh, sorry Dad. I didn't expect anyone to be up yet it's only 1:30pm." I knew he could hear my statement dripping with sarcasm. My dad was the bane of my existence. He never wanted a kid and would tell anyone that. He loved to say being a parent slowed him down and messed with his lifestyle and work. But In my 18 years I have never seen him 1.Be a parent 2.Slow down on his own wants and lifestyle at all. My mom is the one who gave it all up,at least after the school forced an end to my home education, and she never complained. Dad was always putting her into this awful spot making her feel bad for not continuing her career, but also not once offering to slow down on his own to help get hers going again.

"Yea , well some of us have CAREERS, that require us to be up all night to bring home a paycheck Y/N." The way he drew out the word career told me all I needed to know about this conversation and I quickly started making my way out of the front door without another word. I slammed the gas heading towards the diner to grab some hours old muffins and three swamp water coffees. Thinking of all the comebacks I couldn't think of in the moment with my dad. Hindsights a Bitch, I had plenty of them now.

I walked into Family Video and saw the usual sight of Robin running around like a crazy person, stocking shelves and tending to customers. While Steve was propped up on the counter trying way to hard to look cute in that stupid vest chatting up a blonde girl who looked very uninterested. Poor Steve, was still trying to find a good girlfriend and he never would, all he did was compare them all to Nancy Wheeler. I felt bad for him honestly, I knew over spring break he spilled his guts out to her over how he felt, and she was still with Jonathon. He never really said much about it but his face anytime they came in to rent a movie, or we saw them out somewhere said it all.

'' I'll take that please and thanks!'' Robin laughed, snatching the coffee out of your hand.

" You know if you keep staring at him, you might be dreaming about him next.'' She wiggled her eyebrows up at me, while blowing on her coffee.

I shot her an evil look causing her to choke trying to hold back her laughter. None of us had really cleared the air about the dream, but none of us wanted to bring it up to clear the air.

"It was a private dream that you all just so happened to hear no big deal! Everyone has wet dreams and you can't control who they are about, it's' not a huge deal Robin.'' I told her firmly,trying to hide my flushing face behind my head. I couldn't tell her I have the same dream every time I close my eyes. That I ache for his touch, to feel his skin on my skin everytime I think about him.

" What is that face about Y/N, having a daydream about EDDDDIEEEE" Steve teased taking a bite from my muffin. I swatted his arm causing him to laugh and spew crumbs everywhere.

"You two can clean all that up, like pronto! I was here super early to clean!" Five minutes here and she was already done with our shit. She had her hands on her hips looking us both over like an exhausted mom. Before we could snap back with a witty response the bell on the door signaled an incoming customer. I don't even need to turn around. Between Robin's face and the way Steve was giggling again I am pretty positive I know who's behind me. I smell that scent and feel the heat start to rise in between my legs. Old spice, cigarettes and weed , those things together should not be arousing. But they were on him, on him it was intoxicating and I knew I needed to get out of here. I quickly slide down off the counter and grab my cigarettes from my bag heading straight out the door. Keeping my eyes on the ground the entire time.

"Hey Y/N, where are you going?" Eddie called out to me. I turn my head to look at him trying to gauge what kind of interaction this is. That was my worst mistake. I see the way his smile was crooked telling me he is up to something, the way the fluorescent light made his brown eyes shine like stars. His lips are so inviting, they would look much better with mine on them. I see myself kissing him hungirly, grabbing fistfuls of that beautiful curly hair pulling him deeper into my kiss as I grind my hips against his body, feeling him get harder through his jeans. Right here in the video store, I want him and I want him bad.

" Not every day you see the man of your dreams huh?" Eddie asked, raising his eyebrow and smirking at me.

" It's okay, maybe if you tell me about it, we could make your dreams a reality." He seductively offered. I think about all the things I could say to him, what I want to say to him. Before I could speak he sees the confused look on my face and burst into hysterics. Of course, someone told him about the dream and now he's making fun of me. I look over at the gruesome twosome behind the counter and they are both holding up their hands ,in an I'm innocent pose, shaking their heads. I don't even respond, I rush outside and light my smoke. Taking the deepest drag, I could fit into my lungs.

As I stand there smoking, I hear kids shouting and laughing. I see the merry band of weirdos riding down the street, I see Max , Lucas, Mike all peddling quickly towards the arcade. Drawing up the rear I see Dustin and it clicks in my head.


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