The Spark

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My nerves are such a wreck I can barely put my makeup on. Tonight was the night, the night I went on a date with Eddie Munson! I can't believe this is really happening in less than an hour. I stare into the mirror hating everything I've done, my hair is too straight , all volume completely gone. Probably because of the compulsive brushing from nerves, but I choose to blame God at this point. The makeup was actually okay, the usual dark eyes with sharp cheekbones. I have added a much darker lip for tonight to add to my dark sexy look. I have on a Metallica t-shirt I cut into a tight crop top, fitted black jeans with so many holes, I don't think they are really even pants at this point. Instead of my normal boots, I went with a pair of white vans I have doodled to pieces. I grab my choker with a small guitar pick hanging from it and added it to my ensemble with a small smile, fighting the urge to vomit.

The days leading up to today I have had a lot of time to think. The quick witted, smart ass, drug dealer honestly was stealing my heart. Though the moments we have shared have been brief, and mostly aggravating each other, I can't help but think of the way his eyes shimmered whenever he was laughing. The way his smile caused the lines on his face to wrinkle up, or the way it felt when our bodies touched in that brief moment. Eddie had witnessed, and even stepped in with Ray, and never pushed me to talk about the past we shared. He was talented, though I still think we need to branch away from doing covers all the time, the way his fingers danced across the strings. The sheer joy and excitement on his face playing for a few drunks in a dive bar. I can't lie to myself though the feelings he's making me feel, scare me shitless. The last time I fell for a bad boy musician ended in the most traumatic events of my life. I would be insane to go into this without my walls up. But, it felt so unfair to Eddie to come into this , whatever it may be, already guarded and deciding he will end up destroying me.

The phone lets out a shrill ring,pulling me from my downward spiral of anxiety. I rush to grab it knowing my parents are on the road for the weekend.

" Hey, Y/N! I just wanted to call and say good luck on your date tonight!' Steve shouted from the other end of the phone. He could be so sweet sometimes. I only met him through Robin the last bit of the first semester of senior year. At first he seemed like he would be a dick. The jock known as "King Steve" just made me know I instantly would hate him. But, getting closer to Robin also meant getting closer with Steve. Even though he was only about a year older than me, he became almost like a dad, or a big brother. It made sense the more I knew him why he had a hoard of children that followed him around like lost little goslings.

" Thanks Steve! You know Eddie pretty decently right? What can I expect, like I won't lie I am a complete mess of nerves.'' I question him, a little too intensely.

" He is a great guy , but expect nothing. If Eddie is anything it's unpredictable. He really is a great guy though. I didn't really give him a chance at first based on his looks, rumors and I thought he was trying to steal Dustin away. Despite that though, once I got to know him for him, I think you guys would make a great couple. " He stated very matter of factly.I catch myself smiling, if Steve would trust him with multiple of his children, maybe it won't end in the disaster I'm already imagining it will. Before I can get a real response ready, I'm interrupted by a quick rapping on the door.

" Gotta go! I'll come by the store tomorrow to fill you and Robin in, byeeee" Click! Before Steve can even respond the phone is back on the hook and I run to the door adjusting myself and my outfit one last time , before swinging the door open to see the most beautiful site I have ever laid eyes upon.

Eddie has on a deep v cut black t-shirt, that clings to him in just the right spots.It was tight on his surprisingly muscular abdomen, causing the heat to rise in between my legs from just a quick glance. He has on an almost identical pair of jeans to mine, only adding a bandanna in the back pocket, and a chain clipped to his belt loop tracing around his upper thigh around to his back pocket. As he steps down off the porch and raises his hand to walk me down the few stairs, It causes his shirt to raise up just enough to tease his hips. I lick my lips without thinking.

"What's on your mind Y/N?" he teases me letting me know he noticed the lustful look my face was portraying.

" Just wondering where my knight in shining combat boots is taking me." This causes Eddie to chuckle as he opens the passenger door of the van, and helps me up into the seat.

" Don't worry" he shrugs at me with a wink. I swear my heart just started sputtering.

" You will love it, you just have to trust me"

" I trust you, I've just been told you're a little... unpredictable."

" Well that I AM!" he laughs as he takes an unexpected turn onto the interstate

" Eddie Munson were in the fuck are we going" I shout in between my laughs

" All you need to do is sit your sexy ass back and ride m'lady. I'll handle the rest for you." I recognize the look in his eyes, it was the exact same one I had given him leaving my house pure lust. So I do what he told me to do. I layed back into the seat relaxing into the Dio tape he had playing and watch as the darkness starts fading into city lights.

After what felt like an eternity in the van, not because I don't love just rocking out and laughing with Eddie. I've really gotten to know him better during our time in the car, his mom walking out and his dad being the biggest piece of human waste to walk this planet. His sweet sounding uncle Wayne raising him ,and his love of music and D&D. The ride itself would have been an amazing date.

" Okay, close your eyes for me and do not peek!" Eddie barking orders was earth shaking and I immediately shut my eyes tight. I normally hate when someone tells me what to do, but from Eddie, I could definitely get used to it.

" Now hold out your hands." I do as I'm told and hesitantly hold out my hands " Just trust me Y/N." He was now speaking in such a low voice it was almost a growl right in my ear as I hear him opening the glove box , and I feel myself tightening up down below in anticipation. He lays some papers in my hand and I feel him lean back over to his side of the van.

" Open them now." and I do as I'm told, looking into my hand to see two Motley Crew tickets in my hands.

" Holy Fuck Eddie! You didn't have to do this! I bet you spent a ton on these!" I can't hide the excitement in my voice. With my parents' jobs I have been to tons of shows, but we're always backstage so they can work. Which ,don't get me wrong, isn't something to complain about, but you miss out on the experience of losing yourself to the music in the crowd. Backstage is always so busy and loud it isn't the same as experiencing it on the other side. I pull out of my head to see Eddie drop his a little , almost ashamed, and look up at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes.

" They aren't great seats though, they're decent lower level,but we're still kinda far up in the seats." he mumbles rubbing the back of his neck avoiding meeting my gaze. Before I think I close the distance between us and put my hands on both sides of his cheeks I pull him up to look at me.

" This is the most amazing first date anyone has ever taken me on. I can't wait to rock out with you Eddie. You not only surprised me , which is hard to do, but this is incredible!!" As the words come out I truly am realizing how much I mean that, and I just lean into that feeling. Kissing him before I even think about it.

Kissing him is as easy as breathing, like I am made to do it. Like every pair of lips before him never existed. It takes him a minute to kiss me back, as he does, it becomes passionate. I feel him holding my cheek with his right hand and cradling the back of my neck with the left. Slowly he slips in his tongue gliding it over mine. I melt letting him easily take over,our tongues wrestling,as I am working to remember to breathe. I am leaning my whole body against him, I slip onto his lap pressing my hips into him without a care in the world, just how my body feels against him right now.

Eddie pulls back looking hungirly at me as he licks the wet off his bottom lip slowly,almost drinking it in. I feel him adjusting his hips underneath me, trying to keep his erection somewhat hidden from me.

" We better go, I wanted to grab us some shirts before the show sweetheart." he smiles at me causing a dimple to appear, his eyes aliit with excitement of two different kinds. He takes his hand still behind my neck and gently pulls me forward to plant a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I feel it well up in my chest, a feeling I can't really find a name for. But looking at him smile as he pulled back from kissing my forehead I know what it is. Eddie munson has ignited that spark I have been searching for, for years. It kinda scares the shit out of me. 

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