I Ran So Far Away

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 I am floating as he guides me behind him out of the venue between loud drunks, and the wives trying to control them. The humidity from the night air hits me and mixes with the dripping sweat from the show. I am so ready to blast the AC in the van. Eddie abruptly stops causing me to slam into his back knocking him off balance. He is looking to the left ahead of us a few feet. I can't see anything over his shoulder but , his entire body stiffens and I feel his hand flexing like he's ready to throw a punch.

" Eddie what the fuck is going on?" I question him but before I can say another word he turns his head, blocking my view even more and all I can see is anger in his usually soft eyes.

" Don't worry about it, just stay behind me and look straight ahead ok." his tone is giving him away and I know it must be someone he didn't want to introduce me to, probably an ex, and judging from the anger it must have ended pretty badly. I do as he says and drop my eyes to the ground and try to scurry along behind him, but it's more like being pulled at this point. He is legging it like no other and as we near the edge of the sidewalk I feel the vomit making its way into my throat as I hear a deep voice boom out my name

" Y/N, well how hilarious this is huh. I definitely didn't expect to see you here." Fucking Ray, always ruining everything.

" Ahhh I see you didn't take my advice sir covers a lot, seeing as your still with this whore"

" I advise you to shut your Goddamn mouth, before I shut it for you, you fucking prick." Eddie is literally speaking through his teeth and my hand is turning purple from his grip, but I don't dare drop it knowing 1. I'm about to faint seeing this monster right in front of me,seemingly drunk, 2. I'm positive that he's going to swing as soon as I slip my hand out of his grip.

" Oh buddy, if you knew who she really was, you would have hit it and quit it. Actually you wouldn't have even hit it in the first place, she's a killer and a whore nothing more nothing less. I guess if you're gonna keep her around I should give you some tips." Ray steps closer to Eddie with liquid courage confidence " She seems to listen a whole lot better when you knock her into submission, I suggest the left side near the eye since she wears her hair parted to that si—" the thud that comes from Eddies fist connecting with the side of his jaw is deafening, or at least it was to me. I have wanted to deck that fucker for years and seeing it happen felt like paradise, especially knowing Eddie did it because he gave a shit.

Before Ray can regain his bearings Eddie has both fists full of his shirt and shoves him back against the side of a streetlight.

" DON'T YOU EVER, AND I MEAN EVER, SPEAK TO HER, OR ABOUT HER LIKE THAT. I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU AND NOT THINK TWICE ABOUT IT YOU RAVING FUCKING SON OF A BITCH" I am loosing the pleasure in this knowing Eddie means every word he just said, but knowing Ray probably has enough alcohol and cocaine in his system to not give a flying fuck. I hear my heart thumping in my ears as I run over and try to pull Eddie off of him as Ray is laughing in such an unhinged way, I feel a tear slip out. I have heard that laugh before and nothing good ever happened after that. The moments of pain both physical and mental are all bubbling up to the surface, and my mission of getting Eddie out of here before the cops get called keepsis the only thing keeping it at bay.

" Eddie come on, it's not worth it let's go, I'm not worth it let it go!" I pull on his shirt with every fiber of my being and he doesn't even give an inch. He doesn't even acknowledge me, that I spoke and I know it's too far over the line. He isn't going to just walk away until he either seriously hurts him or the cops show up.

" Eddie, stop it! The cops are going to show up and we aren't in Hawkins, okay, it's not going to be Hopper that shows up to ask you a few questions and drops you off at home. These are big city cops, they don't give a shit they will put your ass in jail lets just go please!" It's pointless, I know it now. I just give up and step back, trying to hold my tears back.

" Aww are you sad Y/N?

" Don't you speak to her" , another punch and another. All the while Ray is still grinning and laughing like he's being tickled

" I just think it's funny she's sad now, when she was having a grand ol time a few minutes ago. You fucking bitch shouldn't be having fun, I know you know what tomorrow is." For a second he almost looks sad, but I know its manipulation, it was his go to. Eddie breaks his stare at Ray to glance over at me with a concerned but curious look in his eyes.

" What is it the day she dumped your ass, and you think she should be all choked up about it?" He gives his own laugh mimicking Rays. I feel the tears finally break over fully and begin to sob. Of course he would do this, of course he would spew this out in front of Eddie right when I thought things would work out with a guy, maybe even THE guy, and of course I knew what tomorrow was and it is killing me. I have kinda used this date with Eddie to have something else to focus on. But, it was there in the back of mind, just like it is everyday, every minute, every second of my life. Hearing him bring it up like that, so casually just as a ploy to hurt me ripped the wound right back open.

" OHHHHHH!!! He doesn't know, of course he doesn't. If he did he would have dropped your ass the minute he met you.''

"Eddie plea–"

" No, he deserves to know. Tomorrow is the two year anniversary of the day this bitch killed our baby. Isn't it Y/N? Go on might as well tell the poor bastard, before he thinks he should keep you around."

Eddie loosens his grip in shock and turns to me in disbelief and full of questions before he can speak , I run. I don't think I just run, as far away from them and the truth as I can. I don't look back as I hear the fists flying and the scuffling of boots and security guards running to try and stop it. I run right past Eddie's van, out of the parking lot until I hit the main city sidewalk. I run another couple of blocks, and finally stop to puke. I raise up to wipe my mouth on my sleeve and lose it all over again. I sob so hard my vision blurs and I can taste the snot running down into my mouth. I sit down on the sidewalk, pull my knees to my chest and bury my head into them and let it go. I don't give a shit if anyone sees me, or if I look like a crazy person. It's just time to let it go.


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