Headlocks and Hesitation

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Before I even have time to think I ran after Dustin catching up with him pretty quickly.Thankfully when I yelled his name out it startled him enough to cause him to slow down. Before I realize what I'm doing, I tackle him off his bike into a barrel roll, barely missing the post office box on the sidewalk, twisting myself onto his back and securing him into a headlock.

" WHAT THE SHIT Y/N!!" Dustin yelled out as he swatted at my hands.

" YOU KNOW WHAT THE SHIT DUSTIN HENDERSON!!'' I spat through my clenched teeth trying to maintain my grip on him. The other kids staredo on in amusement not even pretending to try and help get him loose.

"WHY WOULD YOU TELL EDDIE I HAD A WET DREAM ABOUT HIM?!" I dropped the headlock instantly realizing I had yelled that last part. Mike looked like he was about to cry from laughter, while Max and Lucas just looked confused. I saw Max shift her eyes behind me and her cheeks sunk in as her eyes became wider than I thought possible.

" God,please no." I think to myself in a panic, knowing before I even turn that he was standing there watching this entire thing go down. I slowly turned and sure enough there stood Robin,Steve and Eddie. Robin looked mortified for me, while Steve gave a half-assed side smile and a small thumbs up, which kind of made it look like he needed to poop. Knowing there is no point in putting it off I look over to Eddie. Surprisingly, he wasn't laughing. He really looks more confused than anything, almost like this is the first he has heard of this.

" Let go of me you psychopath, I didn't tell him. You just did, you told half of Hawkins. I would never have broken your trust like that, party rules forbid it." Dustin stated sincerely. You could hear the hurt in his voice that I even thought he would do that to me. There were way too many eyes on me and no one saying anything. I risked one more quick glance at Eddie, his lips were parted like he was about to say something, but hesitated. The hesitation reassures me I need to just run. So, I do, I run to my car and just peel out leaving a group of very confused people in my rearview mirror.

I guess my car was on autopilot, because I somehow snap out of my own thoughts as I hear the gravel parking lot of the Hideout crunching under my tires. I have never needed a beer so bad in my life , then right now. I walk straight up to the bar and plop down and drop my forehead into my hands.

" I didn't expect to see you in here for a few days, you okay Y/N" Sam asked me with almost fatherly-like concern.

" I'm fine, just embarrassed the shit out of myself is all. Can I have a pitcher of beer please? Whatever is fastest is fine." Sam nodded and got to work. What the hell had I just done? Thinking now, maybe Eddie was just kidding around about the man of my dreams thing , that's a super common phrase people say. I let out an audible groan, knowing I have just opened an entire can of worms.

" How did I know I would find you here, Miss Y/N?" Please baby Jesus no, is all that is running through my head as the owner of the voice plops down on the stool beside me. I don't even have to look to know it's Eddie. "I know there is an old hole out near lovers lake, maybe it's big enough for me to bury myself in?" I question myself, hoping he will take the hint and leave.

" I'm not going anywhere if that's what you're hoping for, actually I know that's what you want so I definitely will be right here as long as it takes' ' Eddie teased as he grabbed my picther from Sam and begins to drink straight from it.

" What do you want, Munson, you know what I said. I am officially mortified, can we please go back to ignoring each other now. Dreams are stupid anyway. I don't control them so it isn't like I did it on purpose. I mumbled grabbing for my beer. Eddie politely handed it to me as he studied my face. I quickly turned back to face the bar,watching his beautiful hands drum on the bar nervously while his right leg bounced like he had something wrong with him.

" Look, I could give a shit about that dream. But you and I both can't deny we felt something the other night. I'm sure we could continue this little dance for months on end. But, let's cut the shit, rip the bandaid off and test this chemistry out." Eddie stated very matter of factly as he shrugs his shoulders at me. No fucking way is he asking me to fuck him, like it's such a casual thing. I feel my mouth physically drop open as I'm grasping at words to form a coherent sentence.

" That is the worst way to get someone into bed that I have ever heard of, Munson." I spit out at him trying to act like it didn't somewhat peak my interest. If it was half as good as my dream... well my curiosity was definitely peaked to say the least.

" No silly." he laughs as my face goes from interested to confused.

" We have chemistry, a spark even, that to me feels like is something you only get once in a lifetime. It may have been the weed, I thought that at first, but seeing you today I know it's something natural. Almost as if my soul is drawing to you, and it honestly scares me a little. So I guess since you look like I just asked you to solve the world's hardest math problem... Y/N would you like to go on a date with me." He rushed out while rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor.

I sit there too stunned to speak. I had obviously felt it too,but thought it was just me. I look over and notice Sam acting like he's working, scrubbing a glass with a napkin, he is so damn nosy.

" I... I mean...uhh... I guess" I hesitantly whispered,chancing a look over at Eddie. His eyes were shining like a child on Christmas morning full of excitement and ideas.

" It's a date! Be ready by 9 tonight!" He ordered jumping up to leave but not before leaning over excitedly and kissing my cheek. He paused realizing what he had done and looks at me with concern.

Rubbing my hand over the cheek he kissed smiling like an idiot. I hesitate,looking into his eyes one more time.

" It's a date"


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