Sleep talking, and shame.

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Eddie was so quick on his feet as those words spewed out of Rays' mouth it made my heart skip a beat. Partially from not expecting him to react like that, we had really barely spoken to each other before today , but also in fear of what was about to happen. I had seen Ray at his worst, the side no one else ever saw, even when they did see it. He had caused me to sink into the lowest point in my life,and just these last few months I had finally started to feel like I could breathe again.

I was pulled from my thoughts at the sound of Eddie raising his voice to the point it hurt my throat just hearing it.

" I don't know what the fuck your problem is with Y/N, but i can assure you, you will address it with me and leave her the fuck alone!" Eddie screamed, spraying spit across Rays' face as he backed him up against the brick wall. He had one hand pushed against his chest the other reaching into his back pocket. Ray started to laugh in an unhinged way shaking his head at Eddie but meeting my eyes, and I could feel my stomach knotting to the point I began to dry heave.

" What are you her BOYFRIENDDDD" Ray taunted " I can tell you right now buddy, if you ever want to try and do anything with your shitty little band I would drop the whore. I guess I'd be willing to take her back out of your hands , I would just have to whip her into shape this time around." His eyes shone with so much darkk enjoyment at the thought of it, the dry heaving became true vomit.

Eddie didn't miss a beat as he brought out his jac knife out of his back pocket and pressed it against Rays neck, causing him to absolutely go into hysterics. Eddies knuckles whitened as he gripped harder and pressed a little firmer.

" I DON'T HAVE TO BE HER BOYFRIEND TO SEE WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE!" He panted as his breathing became erratic. " YOU BETTER GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND NEVER FUCKING COME NEAR HER AGAIN. SO HELP ME GOD I WILL FUCKING END YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Eddie almost looked like a God in this moment. His muscles flexed with anger,I could see every vein in his beautiful hand. The way his tight jeans clung to his legs as he pinned Ray against the wall his shirt slightly lifted up showing his toned hips and lower back. I think I was fixating so much on Eddie truly was to keep the memories that Ray had brought up from forcing their way to the forefront of my mind. The way he kept giving his head a slight angry shake to brush that beautiful hair out of his eyes, not ever losing his focus on the belligerent bastard he was keeping at bay.

" Alright boys that's more than enough of that shit, Hopper's on his way. I think I interrupted his date night with Joyce so I suggest you clear out before he makes it" Sam stated as he threw the door open. Raising his eyebrows at them as if daring either one of them to say anything. Eddie looked back at Ray and his stupid grin,pushing down harder against his throat.

" E...E...EDDIE" I managed to stutter out. He looked at me with a quick glance. I watched the light come back into his eyes in an instant. Those beautiful brown eyes instantly softened as he looked at me with an " are you sure" kind of look. I didn't speak, I just simply nodded my head in assurance and Eddie let go of Ray, but keeping a grip on the knife as he slowly backed up to stand in front of me. He was blocking Ray from being able to see me in a protective way. But even with everything going on I couldn't help but feel the spark as his back brushed against my chest. This was insane! Now was not the time to be worried about Eddie, what he did is something he would have done for anyone I was sure, but something deep down also knew his reaction was fueled by more than just standing up for a girl he knew from the bar.

Ray walked back inside still cackling, he stopped in the doorway trying to steal one more glance at me.

" I'll see you around Y/N, maybe I'll swing by and see your parents while I'm in town,'' he snickered as he walked inside to get his stuff. As soon as the door shut and he was gone I felt the entire world shift and my ears started ringing. The nauseous came back full force and I reached out for Eddie's arm to get his attention from Sam, whom he was giving a recap to. He turned quickly to look over at me, probably feeling from the harsh tug something was wrong. As his eyes met mine I muttered out '' help'' as the world went black.

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