Chapter One

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A Family Affair

This is was just going to be a oneshot that I have been thinking about for a while now but it turned out that it will be a multi-chapter story. I am still working on my other story so thank you all for being patient. I own nothing just the plot and the names of Val and Zendya's kids.

This takes place during season 20 of DWTS. For this story lets pretend that Zendaya is 25 and that she and Val have been married since she was 22. When she was 23 she had their daughter Sofia and is now pregnant with her second baby,

Chapter One

Zendaya and Val have been married for four years. They have a little girl Sofia who is two years old. Zendaya is 6 months pregnant with their second child. Zendaya tries to get to as many of Val's shows as she can but its not always easy with a two year old who doesn't always sit still for very long periods of time.

They are currently at the studios where DWTS is filmed. They are hanging out in Val's trailer. It is show day and there is a lot going on as Zendaya clearly remembers frin when she competed back in season 16.

Val is competing with Rummer Willis this season. She is an actress like Zendaya. Also her parents just happen to be Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, famous actors.

I am going to change some of the things that happened on the show slightly so that it fits the story that I am telling. Okay back to the story,

Val is inside on the set with the other pro dancers going over all the pro dances for the show. Sofia who is watching cartoons looks up at her mother and asks, "Can we watch papa rehearse?"

Zendaya smiles,"Yes sweetie we can, lets go." She slowly gets up from the couch and holds out her hand for Sofia.

Together they head out the trailer and head to the studio entrance. They show their passes to the guard at the door. They go inside and walk around backstage saying hi to people they see. They get to the ballroom and see the pros are rehearsing.

Maks is siting in the audience seats by the judges table there to support his little brother Val. Sofia sees him first and that his back is to her and Zendaya. She tugs on her mom's hand and points to Maks.

"Mama, its unkiee Maks! Sofia says. Zendaya smiles and nods. They make their way over to him and once they are standing behind him Sofia reaches out and covers his eyes with her little hands.

"Guess who?" Sofia asks.

Maks smiles knowing that it is his niece that is covering his eyes.

"Huh, the boggyman?" He asks

That gets a smile out of Sofia who giggles before says, "Its Sofia."

"Oh its you Sofia!" Maks says when he turns around. He picks her up and kisses her before putting her on his lap.

"What no greeting for me, your sister-in-law?" Zendaya asks with a smile.

Maks gins when she bends down so that she can give him a hug since he has Sofia sitting on his lap. Before they pull away Maks kisses her on the cheek.

"I've missed you too, this little girl miss Sofia wanted to come and see her papa dance." Zendaya says as she puts her hand on Sofia's shoulder.

The cast of season 20 is doing dress rehearsal for the live show. Rummer and Val are standing in the middle of the stage with the rest of the cast as they have just gone over the part at the start of the show when the cast enters the ballroom.

Without warning Sofia seeing Val jumps off of Maks' lap and rushes out onto the dance floor before either Zendaya or Maks can stop her.

"Papa Papa!!!" She calls out catching Val's attention.

Val smiles when he sees her and bends down ready to catch her in his arms. She flys into his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck as Val stands up with her.

"Where is mama, Sofia?" Val asks his daughter.

Sofia points over to where Zendaya and Maks are standing by the judges table. Val looks over and nods at them. While all this has happened the rest of the cast laughs at the cuteness of Sofia running out to Val.

Sofia is looking over Val's shoulder at everyone and then looks at Rummer and smiles.

Rummer waves at her. "I like your pink dress. Its very pretty for a very pretty little girl." She says.

Sofia smiles but then shyly hides her face in Val's shoulder. Val softly nudges her and says, "Sofia, what do you say when someone says something nice like that to you?"

"Thank you" she says quietly.

Rummer smiles and tells Sofia that she is welcome.

"Papa, when can I dance like you?" Sofia asks Val.

"You can start taking lessons when you are 3 years old." Val says.

"That's too long from now Papa!" Sofia whines.

"I know that it seems that way but the time will go by faster than you think. Its just a year from now, next April." Val says.

The whole cast needs to get back to rehearsal so Sofia reluctantly goes back to sit by her mom and uncle. She wanted to stay by her papa. She sits quietly for a two year old. She is just taking in everything.

Sofia loves when she gets to be on the set of her papa's work. She wants to be a dancer like her papa. Val and Rummer are on the dance floor getting ready to run through their dance before the live show.

Val looks out into the audience before the dance and sees Sofia waving at him. He smiles and waves back at her. Sofia blows a kiss to him. Val reaches out to catch the kiss and puts it on his cheek and blows one back to her.

That one simple act makes her smile and cheers,"Go papa go!"

Val smiles and can't help but think about how happy and lucky he is to have the family he does that they support him the way they do

He and Rummer are given their cue and they begin their dance. Sofia tries to stand on her chair so she has a really good view of her papa. Zendaya sees what she is trying too do and catches her by saying, "Sofia Rae Chmerkovskiy, you get down righ now and sit on your bottom."

Sofia has the look on her face that she knows that she is busted. "Sorry mama." She says as she sits down.

Zendaya says, "Thank you sweetie, I just don't want you to get hurt." She says running her hand through her hair. Sofia tells her mama thank you.

Please let me know what you think.

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