Chapter Fourteen

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It is now 8 am on April 13, which is show day on DWTS. Tonight is Disney night. Val is getting ready to head to the studio to have dress rehearsal and practice the opening number with the other pros. 

"Okay, I have to get going, and get ready for the show. You both are going to join me there later today right?" Val asks as he is gathering his bag and other items.

"Yes, we will be there early afternoon, ready for some Disney action." Zendaya says as she walks over to where he is standing with his coffee travel mug and car keys. 

He and Zendaya share a hug and a kiss. He then bends down to Sophia's level to talk to her. "I'll see you this afternoon at the studio, you be a good girl for your mom today." Val says as he gives her a big hug and kiss on the head.

"I promise Papa, I can't wait for all the Disney stuff, I hope there is something about Beauty and the Beast and and The Little Mermaid those are my favorites." She says and then wraps her arms around Val tighter and kisses his cheek.

With a final goodbye Val takes off for the ABC studios where Dancing with the Stars is filmed. When he gets to set he shows his ID to the guards and tells them that his wife and daughter will be coming later in the day to meet him at his trailer. He stops at his trailer to put away his stuff before he goes onto the set to rehearse. He also finds out that he and Rummer are 8th in the running order of the show which is good because that will give him time to get to hair and make up to get the body paint put on for their dance in which he is portraying a eel for their dance.

He had to have a talk with Sophia about what would be happening on Disney night because he didn't want her to be afraid. He told her that he would look different but that it is only body make up and she didn't need to be scared.

After he practices with the other pros its time for him to go over his dance with Rummer and to make sure that everything is working the right way. After they rehearse she will have to go have purple body paint put on all over her body.

The two of them are on the stage running through their dance. Rummer goes to take a water break when she asks Val if Sophia is excited about tonight and watching their Little Mermaid dance.

"Yes, she is super excited to come today and no she doesn't know that we have Little Mermaid as a dance, it is one of her favorites and I wanted to surprise her. Val says.

They get back to practice, while back at the house the doorbell rings and when Z opens the door it reveals..........

Stay tuned to find out who the mystery guests are. The next part will be up and posted by the end of the month if not earlier. Sorry that this chapter is short. I am fighting writers block a bit. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Thank you.

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