Chapter Six

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As Sofia and Zendaya are eating breakfast they talk about what they should do for the day. Whatever they decide to do Z wants to be home by 2 am so that she can put Sofia down for her afternoon nap. That way when Sofia is taking a nap Z can get some house work done.

It is soon decided that they would go to the zoo. After cleaning up the kitchen and feeding Sir Sleep Zendaya and Sofia go get ready

Once Zendaya finished getting Sofia ready she goes to get herself ready. As she is doing that she hears Sofia playing with Sir Sleep in her room.

She decides to wear a skirt and a nice comfy shirt that is kind of flows and comfy sandals. After applying some makeup she and Sofia head to the car after locking up the house. Zendaya gets Sofia all strapped in. Zendaya then gets in and pulls out of the drive way and they are on their way to the zoo.

On the way to the zoo Sofia is excitedly talking about the animals she wants to see at the zoo.

" I want to see the monkeys. bears, lions, penguins...." She trails off.

Zendaya laughs, "I am sure that we will be able to see all of the animals that you want."

They pull into the zoo's parking lot. They park s f head to the entrance. Once Zendaya pays for them they go through the main building. Zendaya puts the child harness around Sofia. She only uses the harness and leash when they are in crowds to keep track of her.

"Mama, why do I have to wear this thing?" Sofia asks tugging on the straps on her shoulders.

Zendaya bends down to Sofia's level as best as she can with her ever growing tummy. "It's just to make sure that I don't lose you in this busy crowd." She says.
They go to see all the animals that Sofia wanted to see. They are now standing in front of the Penguins tank when they decide to FaceTime Val so that Sofia can show Val her favorite part of the zoo.

Zendaya pulls out her phone and starts to FaceTime Val.

The phone rings a few times before the words connecting appears and then so does Val.

"Well what are my two lovely girls up to this morning?" Val asks.

"Hi sweetie, our little one wants you to see something." Zendaya says before lowering the phone down so that Val can see both her and Sofia and so that they can see him.

"Hi Papa!" Sofia says excitedly. "I wanted to show you my favorite part of the zoo, the polar bears and the Penguins. "

Zendaya turns the phone to show Val what Sofia is talking about.

"See them Papa?" Sofia asks.

Val smiles and nods,"I see them sweetie."

They continue talking for a while before Val says he needs to get back to work.
They say good bye. He tells them that he loves them and will be home in time for dinner.

Zendaya takes her phone back from Sofia. They continue to explore the zoo. They stop and have lunch at one of the picnic tables that are placed on the grassy lawn.

As they are eating lunch Sofia starts getting sleepy and is loosing the battle to keep her eyes open.

"Sweetie, let's go home so you can take a nap. You are falling asleep while eating lunch." Zendaya says.

Sofia just nods her head.  They clean up their leftovers and grab their stuff. Zendaya picks up Sofia who lays her head down on her mama's shoulder. Zendaya is also carrying the stuffed animal that they got at the gift shop.

Zendaya rubs Sofia's back. They get to the car where Zendaya buckles Sofia into her car seat and then gets in herself and drives them home.

The drive back home seems to take a shorter amount of time than it did on the way to the zoo.

Once at home, Zendaya takes Sofia up to her room and puts her down for a nap. Zendaya uses the time that Sofia is asleep to get some household chores done.

As she is doing the cleaning Zendaya has the tv on in the living room playing in the background. It's when she hears former DWTS pro Maksim Chmerkiskiy caught being cozy with a new lady. Zendaya hears that and hurries to the living room to watch.

They show TMZ coverage of Maks and some unnamed dark haired woman with her arms wrapped around Maks. The video coverage doesn't show her face. Zendaya thunks it could be Karina.

Zendaya grabs her phone and sends the link to Val. It was titled "Chmerkiskiy has been seen with a new woman." She adds the message that it is about Maks.

She continues cleaning.

That is it for chapter six thank you for being so patient with me. Stay tuned for chapter seven which is still being written. Let me know what you think.

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