Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

They walk up to the hostess stand and say that they are meeting other people in the separate room. She takes a couple menus and leads them to the back of the room.

When they get to the back room to see their family and friends gathered around a big table waiting on them. They know that there is some big news that Z and Val have to share with them

Sofia runs to her grandparents and hugs them. Meanwhile Zendaya and Val take their seats. Soon Sofia comes and sits next to her parents. They all talk about recent events going on in their lives before ordering food.

Zendaya nudges Val before whispering, "I know we planned on telling them after we eat but I can't wait any longer!"

Val nods and tells her to go ahead and share their news with everyone. She clears her throat and gets everyone's attention.

"Everyone, Val and I have some news that we would like to share with you." Z says.

Everyone looks at her. Sofia has a big grin as she knows what the news it and is so proud of herself that she hasn't told anyone.

"As you all know there will be a new addition to the family soon. We went to the doctor and found out the sex of the baby and wanted to share it with you." Z says.

"And....." Maks says from his seat next to Karina

"We are going to be having a baby boy!!" Val says excitedly.

There are shrieks of excitement from all their family members and close friends. They all come over to Val and Z to congratulate them. Once everyone returns to their seats, Val's mom Larissa asks if they have a name picked out yet.

"The name that we have picked out for our little guy is Aleksander Nikolai Chmerkovskiy." Z says.

"That is a great strong name for the next generation of Chmerkovskiy men." Sasha says with pride.

Now that the big announcement has been made, they all settle in and continue to enjoy their meals. They are also enjoying the many small conversations that are taking place between their family members.

Before long the dinner is over and everyone is getting ready to leave to go home and get some rest before show night-Disney Night.

"Sofia, Its time to go and time to go give hugs and kisses to the family." Z says.

"Okay Mama." Sofia says.

Sofia goes and hugs all of her honorary family before going to hug Maks, and both sets of grandparents. She walks over to Sasha and lightly tugs on his pant leg.

"Dedushka, goodnight." Sofia says.

Sasha smiles and kneels down so that he is at the same height level as Sofia. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek.

"Goodnight sweet pea, I hope you sleep well, I love you and tell your dad good job at teaching you Russian," Sasha says.

Sofia hugs and kisses him back, "I love you too, and I will."

She does the same thing with her other grandparents. She goes to hug Maks and Karina as well.

Soon all of the goodbyes have been said. Everyone takes off in their own directions to their homes.

Once Zendaya, Val and Sofia arrive home they are greeted by a very excited Sir Sleep. They reach down to pet him and receive licks to their hands in return. "I better take him for a little walk before we get to bed otherwise he will never sleep." Val says.

Zendaya nods saying that she will get miss Sofia ready for bed. Val kisses her on the temple before grabbing Sir Sleep's leash. "Lets go for a walk Sir Sleep!" Val says and then clips the leash to Sleep's collar before heading out the door.

About 30 minutes later Val returns with Sir Sleep. Val goes upstairs to get ready for bed. He passes by Sofia's room with Sleep trailing behind him. He stops to look into the room to see Z reading "Goodnight Moon" to Sofia. He just smiles and listens for a bit.

Sir Sleep nudges the already half open door so that it opens wider so that he can walk in. His cute pudgy little body makes its way over to the bed so he can jump up and join his favorite little girl.

Sofia giggles when sleep head butts her before laying down next to her. Val's smile grows bigger as he takes a mental picture to store with the many other precious memories. He is truly blessed man.

Next Time:

Show night

Preparing for baby Alek

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