Chapter Three

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Now that the show is over all the couples are doing press in the ballroom. Zendaya and Sofia have gone to Val's trailer to wait for him. She had sent him a text telling him where they would be.

Val walks into his trailer about two hours after Sofia and Zendaya left the ballroom. Val starts to say something but Zendaya stops him as she holds her finger to her lips and points to Sofia sleeping on the couch.

Val nods his head before giving Zendaya a peck on the lips. "You were great tonight." Zendaya whispers.

"Thank you babe." Val says as they kiss again. He then heads to the back to get changed so that they can head home.

When Val is done changing they gather all their belongings. Val bends down and gently picks Sofia up and carries her out of the trailer.

As they walk toward the parking lot where their car is, they cross paths with Tony. Zendaya waves at him.

Tony walks over to them to see Sofia sound asleep with her head resting on Val's shoulder and her arms around his neck. Tony gently pushes the hair away from Sofia's face and lightly kisses her forehead, "goodnight sweet girl," he says softly.

Sofia hears him and says,"night unkee Tony." That brings a smile to Tony's face. He kisses Sofia's head before shaking hands with Val and placing a kiss to Zendaya's cheek.

They share a goodbyes and continue to their car. Once at their car Val straps Sofia into her car seat while Zendaya loads their bags into the trunk and then getting into the car herself.

Val soon climbs into the car himself and starts the car before putting his seatbelt on. Then the little family is on their way home.

Chapter 4
Dinner and a call from family.
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