Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Today is the day to find out the sex of baby no. 2. They could have found out earlier but they didn't want to know at that time.

They are having breakfast all together. Then the doorbell rings.

"I wonder who that could be?" Val says even though he knows who it is at the door.

Val goes to open the front door to reveal...his brother Maks, He is there to pick up Sofia for their day together.

Maks walks into his little brothers house to be greeted with his niece running at him. He grabs her in a big hug.

"I get to spend the day with Uncle Maks?!" Sofia asks her parents from her spot in Maks' arms.

"You sure do. Mama and I have a few errands to do this morning before I have to go to rehearsal this afternoon." Val says

Sofia and Zendaya are gathering up the items that Sofia says she will need for her trip with Maks.

Before leaving Sofia gives Val and Zendaya each a hug.

"You be a good girl for Uncle Maks and stay with him." Zendaya says she hugs and kisses her daughter.

Val gives Sofia a hug and kiss as well.

"Don't worry Mama, Papa I will be good," She says. She then goes to Zendaya and kisses her belly. "See you later baby." Sofia says.

The three adults all have the same response which is, "awe that is so sweet."

With a promise of keeping Sofia safe Maks and Sofia head to his car.

Val closes the door behind them. It is now around 10:30 am Val and Zendaya get ready to head to the doctor's office.

As they are getting into the car Zendaya says, "I can't wait to find out what we are having!" I know we could have found out earlier but we didn't want to know at that time."

Val smiles. Once in the car and on the road Val replies, "I know, now I am so excited to find out!"

Val takes Zendaya's hand in his looping their fingers together. Zendaya smiles at his gesture and rubs his arm with her other hand.

"I hope we have a little boy just like you." She says.

"I will be happy no matter what we have, but I hope we do have a boy. Then that way it will be even and we will have one of each." Val says.

They continue to talk about their new baby. Soon they are pulling into the doctor's office parking lot.

Val pulls the car into a parking spot and gets out of the car

and jogs around the car to Zendaya's side and opens the door for her and holds out his hand for to help her out of the car.

With about 2 months left in her pregnancy it is getting harder for her to get around.

Zendaya takes Val's hand and lets him assist her from the car. She links her arm with Val's as they make their way into the office.

Zendaya checks herself in with the receptionist and takes a seat next to Val to wait to be called back for her appointment.

They talk quietly for a while. After 15 minutes have passed the nurse comes into the waiting room.

"Mrs. Chmerkovskiy, the doctor is ready for you." The nurse calls out.

Val stands up as Zendaya pushes herself out of the chair and follows the nurse back to the exam room.

Zendaya climbs up on the exam bed/table. The nurse then takes her vitals before telling her and Val that the tech will be right in.

Just as the nurse leaves the doctor and tech come into the room.

"So are you two ready to find out the sex of your baby?" the doctor asks.

"Yes we are very ready." Zendaya says as she lays back against the pillows.

The tech tells Zendaya that she is going to start the ultrasound and use the cold jelly for the want of the ultrasound.

The tech starts running the wand around her stomach and soon enough the image of their baby shows up on the screen.

The doctor looks at the screen as the tech moves the wand over the part of the baby to tell the sex of the baby.

"Your baby's heartbeat is strong and it looks as though you are having a baby boy." The doctor tells them.

An excited squeal comes from Zendaya. Val has a huge grin on his face for the fact that he has always wanted to have a son.

Now he will have a son to teach how to play sports and possibly how to dance when he gets old enough.

Val has tears in his eyes as does Zendaya. He leans down to kiss her. "I am so happy." he whispers to Zendaya.

"I am very happy too. I think I even know what I want to name him." Zendaya says.

Val sits back down in the chair beside her before asking, "What's your idea?"

"I think we should name Aleksander Nikoli." Zendaya says.

"I like that name and my dad would be thrilled that we gave our son the same first name as him even if everyone calls him Sasha." Val says and squeezes her hand.

The doctor and the tech had left the room to make copies of the ultrasound for them.

The tech comes back in with an envelope with Baby Chmerkovskiy written on the front.

They both say thank you and gather their belongings before leaving the office.

The two of them are going to go to a few baby stores to create a baby shower registry before Val has to go to rehearsal.

Next Chapter:

Baby registry

Telling Sofia and their family about their little boy.

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