Chapter Seven

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"Okay, that's very good! Let's take a 15 minute break." Val says.
"Thanks," Rummer replies.

Val goes over to his bag and checks his phone to see if he has any messages. He goes through his Twitter notifications and responds to a few tweets. Then he checks his text messages and reads one from Z about Maks. He shakes his head as he reads the message and then dials his brothers number.

"Hello little brother, what's going on?" Maks asks.
"Zendaya saw a news story that you have been spotted out with a new girl. I didn't know that you were dating again." Val says.

"I was going to tell you today that I've decided to the things again with Karina. Although it seems that my little sister beat me to it." Maks says.

"Well, that's great to hear Maks. I am very happy for you. Z saw it on the news and sent me the news link." Val tells him.

Val also asks if he he had told mama and papa yet. Maks tells him that he is going to their parents house tonight to tell them.

"Well that's good. Mama will be mad at me if she finds out before you tell her." Val says.

"Why would you be in trouble?" Maks asks.
Val responds with, "Well, if she finds out that I knew before her and didn't tell her. She will be mad."

Maks agrees with that. Their parents raised them to look after each other. The brothers continue to talk about sway 3.0 that's going to take place in Miami this time.

After 15 minutes are up Rummer walks back into the studio to find Val on his phone with his back to her but she can see his face in the mirror.

Val has a big smile on his face which makes Rummer think that he must be talking to Zendaya. He only smiles like that when he is talking about her. A few minutes later he feels like someone is watching him. He looks up to realize it is Rummer.
"I will be right there." He says to Rummer.

He sends a quick response to a text, "I love you too baby I will see you at home."

"We'll be waiting on you 😉," Zendaya replies.

Val's eyebrows raise at the latest message. His reply, "you tease! I love it though and I love you. 😘"

"Love you too sweetie!" Zendaya replies.
With that Val puts down his phone and heads over to where Rummer is standing.

"Who was that you were talking to?" Rummer asks.
"Oh that was my brother and then my wife. They both say to say hi to you. But now let's get back to our rehearsal." Val says.

*I haven't been writing what week they are in the show. Let's say that at this point they are getting ready for week 5, which is Disney night. They are doing samba to "poor unfortunate souls" from The Little Mermaid.*

"Now since we are doing a samba we will need to work on samba rolls." Val says.
He then demonstrates what samba rolls are and how they should look. They practice for a while.

Back at the house Zendaya has decided to sit down and look through some recipes to decide what to make for dinner.
Val usually cooks dinner for the family but every now and then Zendaya cooks as well.

She wants whatever she makes to be easy. She doesn't want to spend a lot of time cooking. She decides on meat loaf, garlic mashed potatoes and green beans.

It's now 4 pm and Sofia has woken up and has come downstairs to find her mama. Zendaya is getting all the ingredients together in the kitchen for their meal. She has already pealed and cooked the potatoes and cut them up. She is currently working on the meat loaf.

She sees Sofia walk into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Hey sweet pea, did you have a nice nap?" She asks Sofia.
Sofia simply nods her head. "Can I help mama?"

Zendaya smiles, "Of course you can. Just wash your hands first. We always wash our hands before we begin cooking."

"Otay mama." Sofia says as she climbs up on her stool that is by the sink so that she can turn on the water. She washes her hands and carefully turns around to get off of her stool. She then goes to stand beside Zendaya who has pulled a chair up to the counter for her.

Sofia now standing on the chair waits for direction. Z tells her that she can mix up the meat and other ingredients together. Sofia puts her hands in the meat and shrieks.

"This feels weird and squishy!" Sofia says.

Zendaya laughs at that comment by her daughter. "Yes but that's the best part about mixing it with your hands." She says.

They continue to make dinner. Once the meat loaf is in the oven and the table is set and ready for dinner. Zendaya and Sofia are sitting in the living room at the coffee table coloring.

Before long the front door opens and in walks a sweaty Val.

"Papa!" Sofia yells and runs over to him while holding on to a picture she has just made for him and shows it to him.
"Hi sweetie, thank you so much for the pretty picture. I love it. I will hang it up at work." Val says and kisses her cheek after giving her a big hug.

Sofia goes on to tell him that she made pictures for her grandparents and aunts and uncles. Sofia then goes back to coloring while Val greets Zendaya.

"She is pretty excited today. Hi baby." Val says before kissing Zendaya and then helps her off the couch.

"She is and we have all missed you." Z says.
Val kissed her tummy. That gets a smile from Zendaya who takes Val's hand and leads him to the kitchen to check on dinner.

Chapter 8
More family time.

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