Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Buzzzz! (Alarm clock going off)

Val groans as he rolls over to look at the clock and turns it off. 6 am Monday morning also known as show day at Dancing with the Stars. He knows that its going to be a long day but should be a fun day as it is Disney Night.

Val rolls back over in bed and kisses Z on the head. "Good morning honey, I am going to go make some breakfast." He says.

Z mumbles, "Good Morning, Thank you, I love you babe,"

Val gets up to go shower and get ready for the day before making breakfast for his family. Once downstairs he lets Sir Sleep out in the fenced in backyard to do is business while he goes get the newspapers. Once he gets inside he begins making eggs, bacon, toast, and even waffles.

Soon the smell of bacon cooking drifts up the stairs waking Z out f her sleep. What a great way to be awoken. Just as she thinks that she feels a sharp kick against her tummy, it seems that baby Alek is awake as well. Z rubs her belly before saying, "Easy there Alek, I see that you're already working on your jive kicks. Your father will be so proud of you." She pats her tummy and feels some light kicks against her hand. "Thank you, that is a lot sweeter of you."

Zendaya stretches as she gets up and puts her bathrobe and slippers on before heading down to the kitchen. She stops at Sofia's room to see that her daughter is still sleeping soundly. She smiles and pulls the door closed quietly and continues downstairs to find her husband in the kitchen cooking.

Being 7 months pregnant makes it a little harder to walk up and down the stairs but Z is staying as active as she can through the pregnancy because physical activity makes her feel better.

Val looks up from the stove when he hears the stairs creak. He smiles when sees his wife walking down the stairs.

"Morning babe! How did you sleep?" Val asks as he scrambles the eggs and flips the bacon.

"Morning again babe, I slept okay until a little bit ago when your son decided to wake me up while practicing his jive kicks." Zendaya says leaning in to kiss him.

"We are going to have another dancer in the family." Val says before leaning down to talk to his unborn son, "Now son, you need to be nice to your mama, she needs her sleep. I can't wait to meet you baby boy." Val says and kisses Zendaya's baby bump.

Zendaya has a wide smile on her face as she listened to her husband speaking to their son as she ran her fingers through his hair.

They are standing in the middle of the kitchen with their arms wrapped around each other and start swaying to music coming from the radio.

It's moments like this tat they both enjoy so much. Quiet time just the two of them. Just when they thought that nothing could break up their quiet moment an interruption came of the best kind. This interrupts is in the form of 2 year old Sofia Marie.

"Mama, Papa, I am hungry!" Sofia's little voice says from the entry of the kitchen watching her parents.

Both Zendaya and Val smile at the voice of their daughter. The two pull away from each other to greet their daughter.

Val finishes cooking breakfast and then prepares plates for his family. They sit at the kitchen table talking about the day ahead of them

Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. I am fighting through some writers block and trying to get back some inspiration for future chapters.

Let me know what you think.

A Family AffairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon