Chater Two

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After everyone is done with rehearsals Val, Zendaya and Sofia walk back to his trailer with Sofia between them. Sofia looks back behind her for Maks.

"Come on unkie Maks!" Sofia yells to Maks who is a couple feet behind her.

Maks smiles at his niece, "I will be right there and don't yell Soffie. It's not polite." Maks says.

"I am sorry unkie Maksy," Sofia says. Maks cringes at the nickname that Sofia has come to call him. It is the nickname that Val called him when they were little kids.

They get to Val's trailer where they begin to prepare the lunch that Zendaya has brought along. Maks joins them shortly after they arrived at the trailer.

The lunch they have is mainly healthy consisting of sandwiched, fruit salad, egg salad, veggies and some chips.

"Is there anything for dessert mama?" Sofia asks.

"Well if you eat the food I front of you, you can have a chocolate chip cookie." Zendaya tells her.

Sofia wines some only to have Val scold her about whining. He tells her about having respect and patience. Also, to listen when he or her mother tell her something.

Sofia nods and finishes her food and then shows her parents her empty plate. "I am finished, may I please have a cookie now?" She asks politely.

Z smiles and says, "thank you for asking so nicely, and yes you may." she hands Sofia one of the cookies.

Val sits back and watches his wife, daughter and brother interact smiling at the fact that his dreams are coming true. this has been a great way to stay relaxed before the live show.

They all just hang out until it's time for the live show. Z, Sofia, and Maks have passes that allow them backstage which is a good thing so that if Sofia needs to take a break or gets restless Zendaya can take her backstage for a while.

Sofia walks into the studio holding Val's hand. Zendaya follows along behind them. Then when it's time to take their seats Val bends down to Sofia's level when he feels her tug on his hand. "yes sweetie?" He asks.

"Good luck tonight papa!" She says kissing him on the cheek.

Val smiles and kisses her on the forehead. He tells her thank you and then stands up and receives a hug and kiss from Zendaya, "Good luck babe."

They share another peck. Sofia sees them kiss, "yuck!"

Val and Zendaya smile and laugh at their daughter's antics as she has her hands over her eyes.

Maks bends down next to Sofia and puts his arms around her before saying, "you might find kissing icky now but when you get to be older you won't find it icky. Besides that is one of the ways your parents show that they love each other. Don't you want your mama and papa to love each other?"

Sofia thinks for a minute before answering,"Yes I do."

She smiles up at her parents,"I love you mama and papa!"

They smile,"We love you too. Now I need to get ready for the show." Val says before he kisses both his girls and shakes hands with his brother before heading off to the ballroom and to find Rummer so that they can get ready for the show.

Zendaya, Val, and Maks take their seats in the front row near the judges table.

Zendaya has devoted most of her time to being a mother and a wife, however, she still acts in various projects. She still records music, she does not tour that often especially while Val is doing DWTS. she will be mainly just acting when Sofia is of school age. It is Val and Zendaya's wish that Sofia and any of their future children have as normal a life as possible.

Zendaya being half way through her second pregnancy is mainly doing music while she is pregnant because there are not many roles for pregnant actresses.

Later this month Zendaya and Val will be going to find out the gender of their second baby. She is hoping for a boy so that they will have one of each, a girl and a boy. Maybe one of their kids will become a dancer like Val or a singer/actor/dancer like Zendaya. Overall she just wants a healthy baby.

Now the show has started and one by one the couples come to perform. Some do better than others but they are all trying so hard. When it's Val and Rummer's turn Zendaya gently nudges Sofia who has been playing with one of her toys when she lost interest in some of the dances.

Sofia looks over at her mother with a look of questioning on her face.

Zendaya smiles,"its papa and Rummer's turn." She says as she points to Val who has taken the stage while the rehearsal package played. Sofia smiles and puts her toy down.

"Go Papa!" Sofia cheers.
She is a very bright child being able to speak with such clarity like that at two years old.

Val smiles in her direction and waves at her. The video package is now over and the announcer calls their names and what they are dancing.

Zendaya, Sofia, and Maks are watching intently Val and Rummer dance. Rummer and Val hit their ending pose as the audience begins clapping. Val's cheering section as well as Rummer's are cheering louder as he and Rummer walk over to stand by Tom to hear what the judges have to say about the dance. The comments are positive and they are given some constructive criticism about how to improve for next week.

Tom sends them up to the skybox where Erin is to get their scores. After getting the judges scores they continue to watch the rest of the couples dance. Before they know it, it's time for the elimination part of the show. It is good news for Val and Rummer as they are called safe for another week.

What they do after the show.
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