Chapter Four

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After a short drive to a small suburb of LA Val pulls into the driveway of their modest 2-story house. Once in the driveway Val pulls their car into the garage before turning off the car.

By this time Sofia has woken up from her nap and is ready to eat dinner.

"Here we are home sweet home. I don't know about anyone else but I am ready to for dinner." Val says.

Sofia and Zendaya both voice their agreement. Once everyone is out of the car and the car is unloaded Val begins to cook dinner while Sofia is in the playroom playing with toys and Zendaya is in the living room reading a book.

Val begins preparing chicken parmesan. As Val is cooking his phone rings. He reaches into his pocket and answers the phone once he has it out of pocket. He puts it on speaker.

"Hi Mama, how are you?" Val asks.
Larissa answers in part Russian and part English, "I am good конфетка Вы сделали большое сегодня (sweetie, you did great tonight.) Your Papa and I are so proud of you.

"Thank you mama, I always want to make you and Papa proud. " Val says.

"You do мальчик (baby boy)." Larissa says.

"So what are you and papa up to tonight?" Val asks.

"Oh just cleaning up dinner and watching a movie that your papa insists on watching. what about you?" Larissa asks.

"Oh that sounds like fun. I am making chicken Parmesan for dinner with potatoes and peppers. Which I hope Sofia will eat at least some of it." Val says as he continues to cook.

"I am sure that she will at least try it. That's what we did with you and Maks. We just made sure that you tried different foods. You just had to try it, you didn't have to finish it" Larissa tells Val.

They continue talking while Val is cooking when Sofia comes into the kitchen.
"Papa, I am hungry!" Sofia says. Val looks up when he hears Sofia.

"Dinner is almost ready sweetie, why don't you talk to your grandma on the phone while you are waiting." Val says.
He hands his phone to Sofia after sitting her down at the table.

A few minutes later Val is plating the food and setting the table while listening to Sofia tell his mom what she did during the day.

"Tell grandma that you have to say goodbye because it time for dinner." Val tells her.

"Grandma, papa says I have to say goodbye because it's time for dinner. Bye grandma I love you." Sofia says.

They say goodbye and I love you before hanging up the phone. Val takes his phone back and calls out to Zendaya that dinner is ready. He hears her call that she coming and also hears her making her way to the kitchen.

"Something smells good." Zendaya says as she sits down at the table while Val serves the food.

*For this story I am going to have Zendaya not be a vegetarian. *

"Chicken Parmesan with salad and roasted peppers." Val sits down.

They all begin to eat and talk about upcoming events that they have coming up.

"Are your parents going to come into town for the finals of the show Val?" Zendaya asks.

Val takes a moment to finish chewing his food before answering the question.

"They probably will come into town assuming that we make it that far." Val says.
Z shakes her head before saying,"your being silly Val, your going to win this whole thing and we will have a big shiny gold mirror ball trophy to display. Len even said that he thought that this was your season. "

"Yeah Papa you will win, your the best!" Sofia says with a mouthful of food.

Val smiles at how sure his wife and daughter are that this is his year. The support they have for him and the ease in which they give it is amazing and it warms his heart. He just does not want to get his hopes up like he did the other times that he got to the finals. As he is thinking this he hears Zendaya tell Sofia with a laugh not to talk with her mouth full of food that it is not polite to do that.

"Thank you both so much it means the world to me that you both feel that way, although I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them get crushed like what's happened in the past." Val says.

"Your more than welcome and we will be there supporting you every step of the way because that is what family does for each other." Zendaya says.

Val smiles and leans across the table and kisses her. He whispers "thank you." He returns to his chair not before hearing Zendaya whisper, "Your welcome."

Once they finish dinner Zendaya start to clean up the dishes while Val takes Sofia upstairs to give her a bath and get her ready for bed.

About an hour and a half later Val comes back down the stairs but stops on the bottom step and watches as Zendaya is humming and dancing to the radio while she finishes cleaning the kitchen.

Even at 5 months pregnant Val finds his wife as sexy and as attractive as ever. He knows that she is still sensitive about the changes her body is going through even if this is her second pregnancy. He tells her that she is gorgeous every day. Val smiles and shakes his head before walking over to her and leans against the wall. Zendaya turns around and jumps upon seeing Val standing there against the wall.

"Yikes! honey you scared me." Zendaya says with her hand on her heart.

"Sorry babe, I was just watching you move, you haven't lost anything in your time not dancing." Val says.

Val walks over to her and lightly kisses her before holding out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

"Why yes you may." Zendaya says with a slight giggle. She takes his outstretched hand.

Val pulls her into an easy hold as they sway back and forth to the music.

I love comments PLEASE let me know what you think of the story so far!

Next: Chapter 5

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