Chapter Eleven

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Today is Sunday, the day before show night on DWTS. Val and Rummer are working on polishing their Disney dance. It is also the the day that Sofia finds out that she going to have a baby brother.

Zendaya has gotten her an "I am a big sister" shirt. Although today her shirt will say, "I love my little brother" shirt.

They are going to tell Sofia today and then tell their families tonight at dinner with members of both of their families and some of their close friends. Zendaya has told Sofia that they are going to go see Val and Rummer at the studio. Also, Sofia knows that her parents have some news to share with her but doesn't know what it is.

They arrive at the rehearsal hall to see the usual gang of cameras and flashes going off. They show the guard their passes. They are let into the building. Once inside they pass other couples in the hallways on their way to Val's room.

They quietly open the door to see Val and Rummer dancing. Val and Rummer end in their final pose. Sofia and Zendaya start clapping.

They both turn around to face the source of the clapping.

"That was great Papa!" Sofia says running to Val.

Val bends down to catch her in a hug,"Thank you sweetie are you ready to find out if you are having a little brother or sister?"

Sofia nods. They all go sit down on the stairs in the room. Val hands Sofia a gift bag to open. She opens it and pulls out a shirt that says,"I have a little brother."

Sofia grins," I wanted a little sister but I am happy to have a little brother." she says.

She gives her mama and papa a hug and a kiss. She runs to Rummer all excited about being a big sister. Val and Zendaya are surprised at how well Sofia is taking the news so well. They got lucky to have a pretty easy going little girl.

"Well that went better than I thought it would. I thought that she was going to be crying and be mad about having a little brother and not a sister like she wanted to have." Val says coming to stand next to his wife while putting an arm around her shoulders.

"I know what you mean, she took that a lot better that I had expected her too as well." Zendaya says.

Val and Zendaya have decided that they are going to be sharing the news with their families tonight mainly because Val's parents are in town this week; as well as; Maks.

"Papa, can I tell Uncle Maks about my baby brother?" Sofia asks.

Val smiles before shaking his head no, "Not yet sweetie, We are going to be sharing the news with the whole family at dinner tonight."

Sofia's smile drops as she nods her head that she understands. Zendaya walks over to her daughter and places her hand on Sofia's shoulder before saying, "Now, we should get going and let Papa and Rummer get back to rehearsal so that they can nail their Disney themed dance."

"I want to stay and watch Mama! I promise to be good and quiet." Sofia says with those big puppy dog eyes that she learned from her mother.

"I know you do baby, and you have seen it several times already. However, Papa and Rummer need to focus on polishing the routine and all that. You and I are going to the children's museum today."Zendaya explains.

Sofia nods before going over to Val has gotten down on his knees to be closer to Sofia's level. Sofia wraps her little arms around his neck.

"You are going to nail it tomorrow night Papa! I know you will!" She says before hugging him tightly.

Val smiles and his heart warms at his young daughters words. She is very mature for her age just like her mother. He kisses her on the head and both cheeks, "I love you sweetie," he says.

He then goes to hug and kiss Zendaya, also he gives her belly a kiss.

Zendaya holds out her hand to Sofia who grabs onto her mothers hand after blowing a kiss goodbye to both Val and Rummer.

After the door closes Val turns back to face Rummer. "Alright, back to work."

As Sofia and Zendaya are walking out to the car the paparazzi are on the sidewalk taking pictures of them. Z leans down and picks Sofia up and places her on her him and tells her, "keep your head down on my shoulder and look behind me. "Okay mama I will." She says.

Zendaya walks as quickly as she can to the car while attempting to shield Sofia from all the flashbulbs going off. They make it to the car and are soon enough on their way to the museum.

Val and Zendaya are trying to expose Sofia to all the educational opportunities as possible. This particular museum is the interactive kind that kids can be interactive with most of the exhibits.

Once inside and after paying, Zendaya and Sofia make their way around. They stop at the sand table. Sofia spends some time building some castles and other things before they move on to the water exhibits that teach about ocean life and weather.

Zendaya and Sofia spend an hour or two at the museum before going home so Sofia can take a nap before their big family dinner, where they are going to tell their parents and siblings about the new baby. While Sofia is sleeping Zendaya calls everyone and makes the arrangements.

After she calls the family and friends she wants to invite she makes a reservation at one of their favorite restaurants in LA. She makes the reservations for 15 people for that night at 7pm.

She calls Val and tells him what time the reservation is and they both let their family and friends know.

Evening arrives. Both Val and Zendaya are in the bedroom getting ready for their family dinner. Sofia is sitting on their bed in her purple party dress petting Sir Sleep.

Wendy has decided that their outfits should coordinate. So she is also wearing a purple dress. Although, her dress is a deep purple color. Val is in a black suit with a lavender tie. He is also wearing a lavender vest with the black suit.

Val calls up the stairs, "Sof, Z lets go we have to meet everyone at the restaurant in 20 minutes.

Sofia and Z appear at the stairs, "Coming Papa." Sofia says coming down the stairs and twirls in her dress.

"Beautiful!" Val says to both of them. He straightens back up after kissing Sofia on the cheek and then does the same to Zendaya. He is now looking around for his keys.

"Where are my car keys?" He asks looking around.

Z turns around to the stairs and picks up a set of keys and holds them out to Val.

"Val honey," Z says with his keys hanging from her finger.

Val looks over at her and smiles,"Oh, Thank you babe. Ok lets go!"

With that they are out the door and on their way to the restaurant.

They get there and before walking into the building Sofia asks Val to carry her in.

"Of course sweetie." Val tells her and goes to pick her up.

They get to the door and walk in.


Chapter 12

Dinner with the family

Big news is shared.

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