Chapter Eight

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Val walks into the kitchen from the living room to find his wife checking the temperature of the food in the oven.
"Hey, whatever you made sure smells good." Val says.

Zendaya smiles as she pulls the meatloaf out of the oven and places it on the stove top before closing the oven.

"I am glad to hear that. We are having meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans." Zendaya says as the microwave dings that the food is done.

"Honey, could you take the potatoes out and put the beans in the microwave to warm them up?" I need to let the meatloaf rest for a minute or two before I slice into it." Zendaya says.

"Sure thing babe." Val says.
Zendaya smiles as she watches Val take the good out and set it on hot pads on the dinning room table.
Soon all the food is ready to be served.

"Sofia, it's time for dinner." Zendaya calls into the living room.
"I am coming Mama." Sofia says.

Sofia bounds into the kitchen and climbs up on to her chair at the table that has her booster seat on it.
"I helped Mama make the meatloaf Papa!" Sofia tells Val excitedly.
"Well I am sure it will be extra yummy." Val replies with a smile at how excited Sofia is.

*for the purpose of the story I am going to say that at this point in the story it is mid March, 2015. Season 20 has just started. *

The three of them continue to eat dinner and talk about their day.  When dinner is over Val clears the dishes off the table.

"Do we have anything for dessert Mama?!" Sofia asks.
"Yeah, I made apple pie while you were taking a nap." Zendaya says.

"Yummy that's one of my favorites." Sofia says.
"Mine too" Val says from the kitchen where he is getting the pie ready to be served.
He gives each slice a scoop of ice cream.

They sit and enjoy their dessert. Then once the kitchen is cleaned up they decide to watch a movie. Sofia's choice is of course Frozen.
So there they sit a happy little family watching a Disney movie. Two parents sitting with their daughter and a bucket of popcorn between them.

Sofia sings along to "Let it Go." Then when the movie is almost over Zendaya looks down at Sofia who has sprawled out on top of her and Val. Her head is resting on Zendaya's lap and her legs are on top of Val's lap.

"Well she is out like a light. We should put her to bed." Zendaya says to Val.
"Yeah, I'll carry her up to bed." Val says.

Val stands up after carefully moving Sofia's legs off of his lap and easily and gently scoops the little girl up into his arms. As soon as Val lifts her up Sofia snuggles into his chest.

Val takes their little girl up to bed while Zendaya turns off the lights and locks up the house after cleaning up the popcorn.

Once everything is done and the house is locked up. Zendaya heads up the stairs to bed herself.

On the way to her room she passes Sofia's room to see Val sitting on Sofia's bed with her reading a story. She stops to watch at the door.

Val is reading her "Goodnight Moon." He finishes the story and says goodnight to Sofia in Russian to which she responds back in Russian. Val has been speaking Russian to Sofia on and off since a she was born. She is able to understand the language better than she can speak it.

Val kisses her on the head and tucks her in to her bed snug as a bug in a rug. On the way out the door he turns on the night light before turning off the main overhead light.

Once he closes the door halfway he sees that Zendaya has been watching them.

"You two are so cute and sweet together." Z says.

Val smiles and kisses her. "Are you ready for bed babe?" He asks.

"More than you know!" Zendaya answers.
Val wraps an arm around her waist as they make their way to their room that is just a few feet from Sofia's room.

Once in their room Val closes their bedroom door as they get ready for bed. Zendaya is finished getting ready and is brushing her teeth. She then goes to get into bed.

While Val is brushing his teeth. Zendaya calls out to him.  "Val, are you going to be free at 11 am tomorrow?" She asks.

Val comes into the bedroom, "yes I am. Why?" He replies sitting down on the bed.

"That's when I have an appointment to find out the sex of our baby." Zendaya says.

"I will be there." Val says. He kisses her. They snuggle into bed to sleep.

Next chapter:
Gender of baby #2 revealed
Do they take Sofia with them or tell her a different way.

Please send me your comments.

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