Unexpected Kiss

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Sting held onto the door causing it to open up quickly.

A naked Lucy stood there all pink in embarrassment.

"Perverts!" She screamed at Sting and Rogue who couldn't stop starring.


Narator P.O.V.

Lucy covered her breasts with one hand and her women hood with the other.

She slammed the door shut in Sting's face.

"Lucy he was trying to peek and-" Rogue was interupted.

"Just dont do that again Stingy-Bee!"

"But Blondie!"

Rogue gave him a death glare.

Sting froze and just and he promised as he crossed his fingers behind himself without Rogue noticing.


"Blondie where do we sleep?"

Lucy led Sting and Rogue to a couch.

"How are we going to fit?"

Lucy walked to the sofa and pulled on a lever that was right on the side of the sofa.

A creaking nose was heard as the sofa turned into a king seized bed!

She went to her closet and got some blankets suitable for the bed.

She looked at Sting with a poker face.

"Night" Lucy said in a sleepy tone as she headed to her bed.

"Night!" Sting yelled back.

Sting looked back at the bed to find Rogue already laying there in the right side of the bed.

"Try not to get so close to me" he warned.

Sting lay in the left side as far away from Rogue as he could possibly be.


I flashed my eyes open to feel many muscular arms in my waist.

T_T are you serious?

I looked down to see sting on my left side and Rogue in my right both holding tightly to my waist.

Reminds me of Natsu....

"Hey Blondie You Enjoying It?" Sting asked with a seductive smirk.

"NO!" I screamed making Rogue's eyes flash open.

"Then why are you still here?!?" Sting said with a victorious smirk.

"Because...." i started "I dont know!!!"

Rogue noticed he was holding onto my waist and furiously blushing he let go quickly.

"Explain yourselves!"

"Um..... I don't know i think i sleep walked" Rogue said in a truthful voice.

"And i felt like it!" Sting exclaimed.

I gave him my deadliest glare and he instantly fainted.

"Rogue i believe in you but this Stingy-Bee is just a perv!"


As Lucy went to take a bath, Sting and Rogue dressed up into their casual clothes.

When they where all done They headed to a coffee shop for breakfast.

When they arrived they settled down in a table for four.

A waitress came over to them.

"Good morning! Have you decided what you want yet?" She asker with a hint of excitement.

"Cheesecake!" Sting said.

Lucy sweat dropped "Erza's special please"

"Oh! You know her?!? She comes here about every single day!" The waitress said.

"Yep" Lucy quietly replied.

"Chocolate cake" Rogue said with a poker face.

"Right up!" The waitress said as she walked in a fast pace to the kitchen.

"So where do we go to ne-" Lucy's upper body fell on the table.

"Blondie!" Sting shouted in worry as he shaked her.

Rogue stared at her in confusion.

Lucy started panting heavily as she started to go back into a sitting position.

"I think, i have a clue of where they are"

"Tell us!"

Flashback of Lucy's vision Lucy P.O.V...

I was standing in sidewalk made of smooth stone and there where many people walking around me and the sun was starting to set.

I looked at my surroundings to the tall statue of a women in her early 30's wearing a very long strapless dress.

I looked around once again and caught a glimpse of a shadow quickly passing by in the corner as its presence disturbed me.

End of flashback

"So you think that was it?" Rogue asked.

"Almost certain."

The waitress came back to the table with all the orders.

"Cheese cake for the young man, Chocolate cake for the emo guy, and Erza's special strawberry cake for the chick." the waitress said with a catchy smirk.

She left the 3 of them alone walking to a nearby table with a couple.

Sting gulped down his cheese cake in 1 second meanwhile Lucy and Rogue slowly finished their pastries.

Once they where done Rogue stood up to go to the bathroom leaving Sting and Lucy alone.

"Hey Blondie?"


"Who do you like?"

"I won't tell!" Lucy replied blushing furiously.

Sting signed in disappointment.

"Who do you like?"

"I like...."


Before he could let Lucy react he leaned in and pressed his lips against Lucy's.

She couldn't react, she just stood there starting into Sting's closed eyes.

Lucy slowly felt her eyes close and she kissed back remembering this was her second kiss......

She pulled away sooner than what Sting expected putting her chin on the table blushing sadly as memories flowed like a river through her mind.

Who do i like?
Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Shout out to celis77 ❤️ she is amazing!

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^~^ i will try to update for tomorrow but no promises!

Nashi loves yall bye!

Nightmares { A Nalu, Sticy, Rolu, and Colu FairyTail Fan-Fiction }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang