The Statue's Secret...

882 30 16

I do not own FairyTail!
Most of the characters in this
Story have the same personality as
In the manga/anime.
There will be some OLD though!

I dedicate this chapter to
girlsdocoolstuff who is one of
My awesome friends! I miss your chapters <3 !
Anyways, I have changed the format
Of my intro! Ain't it pretty
Now? LOL ^~^
I hope you guys are enjoying
The story so far!
I have also decided not
To write The fights I said I
Was going to write
Because I'm... Lazy
For now Nalu is on the lead!
Leave in the comments who
You want Lucy to end up with!
Sunlight Loves You,
Peace Out!

The ground violently shook as the light coming from the circle faded away causing the people in it to fall to the ground.

The 4 boys landed on various bizarre ways wile Lucy, with her eyes still shut, landed on her knees.

Her hair covered her face as she looked at the floor.

Cobra sat in one corner thinking deeply as the other 3 walked towards her.

"You okay? Are you hurt?" Rogue asked.

"No! I'm not okay!" She exclaimed her eyes tearing up.

"What is it?" Sting asked worry filling their faces.

"They got away" Cobra mumbled from the other side of the destroyed guild.

"Can't be! They dissolved in thin air" Natsu madly replied.

But the fact that they go away was not bothering Lucy that much, what really bothered her was who got them out.

Whoever got them out had Lisanna's scent.

Lucy's closed her eyes shut tight as a golden tear came out of her eye. Once it hit the floor golden flowers began to appear on the damaged parts of the guild and on their friends.

The light of the flowers dimmed and with a strong glow it blinded everyone.

When their eyes opened shock filled them.

Other than the mages slowly wakening the guild was completely fixed.

"How did you" Rogue asked in wonder.

"I-I don't know!" She answered nervously.

"W-what happened!?" Gray mumbled as he stood up rubbing his head.

"Long story, slice freak" Natsu said grinning.


That day, The dragon slayers helped everyone in the guild that was harmed to recover. Surprisingly not many were harmed.

The others in the dragon real where informed of the incident on earth land.

"That was a close call..." Erza said as she approached Lucy from behind.

Lucy was sitting down on a bench outside of the guild, she was trying to think about the incident, that smell...

Nightmares { A Nalu, Sticy, Rolu, and Colu FairyTail Fan-Fiction }Where stories live. Discover now