Under Attack

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She started to slowly walk towards the train station.

She had a long, very long way to go, and she was not sure she could make it....
In the guild it was a riot!

Natsu kept screaming in rage.

Sting kept blaming himself.

Rogue seemed depressed.

And Cobra seemed slightly worried for the blonde.

"Sting I'm going to kill you!" Natsu threatened across the room.

Sting didn't even bother to answer. He was angry at himself for leaving Lucy's side. All he wanted was to have her in his arms once again!

"Sting, don't worry she's stro-" Rogue's words were interrupted as the guild's door flew open and a bloody and bruised blond mage stood there.

"Lucy!" The 4 male dragon slayers shouted as they ran to the mage who was slowly falling down.

Natsu arrived first, just as Lucy's head was about to hit the ground he caught her in his strong arms.

Anger rose in his body and his eyes turned deadly. He would kill who did this to her.

Her skin was pale, almost like paper, her eyes were closed tightly and many major bruises and wound laid on her body. Her blood was dripping into his arms and lap but he didn't care.

The 3 dragon slayers that stood behind Natsu were quite jelous that Natsu caught her. But now that did not matter, the blonde was dying.

Natsu stood up carrying Lucy bridal style.

"Quick! To the infirmary!" Levy said.

Natsu took her to the infirmary quickly and laid her gently on the bed.

"We have to get Porlyusica!" Natsu exclaimed.

"She is on her way" master informed.

Sting, Rogue, and Levy entered the room where Lucy, Natsu, and Master occupied.

"Lu-Chan..." Levy murmured as she looked at her friend with teary eyes.

Rogue's face seemed to lighten up a bit.

"Sting, remember the vision she had?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"I think Lucy found out where that was, went there, and found one of them"

"No" Natsu said.

"Luce would have been able to beat them, it must have been more than one" Natsu stated.

"You're right" Sting muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Levy and Master asked.

"12 dragons slayers are being trained because there are 12 demon slayers" Natsu began.

"Our first mission is to locate them" finished Rogue.

"I see..." Master mumbled under his breath.

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