A Long Way

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Once Rover was done with the spell the three of them left, for they had much to do...

Meanwhile Lucy was there on the floor slowly dying...
The Next Day...
Everyone in the guild was going wild.

They were worried sick about their friend.

They had been searching non-stop but she left no trace behind.

They were all reunited in the guild trying to find answers or hoping she would return.

The guild doors burst open and the guild's heart filled with hope, but it was Natsu and Cobra.

"What are you doing here flame-brain!" Gray exclaimed.

"Celestia excused us because we were more advanced than anyone else Stripper!"

"What is he doing here!" Master demanded pointing at Cobra.

"Celestia insists we need him Gramps" Natsu explained.

"Just don't kill any of my children!"

Cobra smirked. "No thank you"

"Now where is Luce?"

The guild went silent knowing this would end up in a mess if they told him...

But they knew it would be no good if he did not know.

Natsu's eyes filled with anger as every word spilled into his ears.
Lucy opened her eyes.

Her body stung and her blood dripped on the ground.

She tried to stand up, but a sharp pain on her left foot made her scream in agony and fall back down on her side.

"Shit, it's broken T^T"

She tried to use her hands to slowly get up but instead another sharp pain struck her in the right hand.

She contained herself this time and did not scream but she fell to the ground once again as tears of pain rolled down her injured face.

'I failed Celestia, Rogue, Sting, Everyone...' Lucy thought as she curled into a ball.

"No you have not, you did not know what they were capable of... Now get up and keep your head held high!" Celestia's voice rang in Lucy's mind.

Lucy stopped crying.

Inspired by the words she looked at her surroundings.

"Seems i have run out of magic..."

She looked at the trees located next to the statues and crawled slowly to the nearest one.

She grabbed a big leaf that had fallen from the tree and placed it tightly around her injured foot. She tied it neatly and grabbed another leaf to do the same thing to her wrist.

Lucy looked around once more and found just what she needed. A thick stick a bit shorter than her.

She crawled to it and used it to stand up.

Next, she analyzed her wounds and decided they were fatal...

She was loosing a lot of blood and if she did not manage to make it to the guild soon.... She would die.

She started to slowly walk towards the train station.

She had a long, very long way to go, and she was not sure she could make it....
Sorry this chapter sucked ;-;

That was all i really had to say, LOL

T^T ( random face )

Donut loves yall!!

Peace out! O\\\\\O

Nightmares { A Nalu, Sticy, Rolu, and Colu FairyTail Fan-Fiction }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora