Crossed Paths

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Hello minna!
How have y'all been?
I dedicate this chapter to
Someone special...
My very favorite and
Talented favorite watt pad
Writer! I love her so
Much and she
Is just too nice to be true!
Please enjoy this chapter
And may the potatoes
Be with you!
Peace OUT ❤️

Lucy sat on the train to Belle Ville in front of Rogue and Cobra.

Cobra seemed to be spilling his guts out as Rogue tried to contain his sickness.

Lucy stared at them with pity.

"Poor thing" she said staring at Cobra.

"I'm sorry Rogue, but Cobra really needs some help" Lucy said pointing at Cobra to lay down on her lap.

"I-it's okay" he managed to say

Cobra groaned as the green tone on his skin instantly seemed to smooth.


Time skip ( arrived at Belle Ville )

Lucy and the others got out of the train in a rush to get to the statue.

Lucy led the way until they arrived at Belle's beautiful statue.

Lucy stared at the statue as terrible memories flew back at her.

Cobra snapped his fingers with excitement. 

" There must be some sort of lever or button around here!" He insisted.

He looked at the unusual rose Belle was holding in her hand.

" aha! " he exclaimed as he walked towards it.

Be placed his fingers around the rose and effortlessly pulled it down. To no ones surprise it came down easily causing a loud rumbling noise to emerge.

The large circle carved around the statue slowly to descend forming the entrance to a deep and dark staircase.

Cobra smirked widely as he started to go down the stairs full of pride. Lucy just giggled next to Rogue at Cobra's sheepish attitude.

They all went down the stairs to the point were it was very dark. Lucy held up her fist and lit it up with her fire, causing the path to illuminate.

Soon, they reached the bottom. Cobwebs were all around the corridor at the bottom of the stairs, leading to an illuminated room with immense amount of magical energy radiating from it.

Lucy, leading the way started to walk towards it slowly. Soon they were all inside the empty room. The light source came from a glowing blue orb shining in the middle of the room in mid air.

Lucy started walking towards it with the hand extended out.

Her hand made contact with the orb...

An harmless explosion of light occurred blinding the mages.

As soon as the smoke cleared an figure appeared. Its was Belle.  A hologram of Belle stood in the middle of the room. She had a smile on her face and her long curly blonde hair floated all around her.

"B-belle?!" Lucy exclaimed.

She nodded.

" I don't have much time my dear, but I do have much to tell you and you only" Belle explained her voice powerfully echoing through the small room.

Rogue and Cobra backed away.

Belle whispered a spell and a barrier appeared around them.

A sound barrier.

"Are you sure you are ready?"
Belle asked with a worried face.

"Yes" Lucy said firecly

Sting was asleep.

He held on to Lucy like he always dreamed. He slowly hugged her arm tighter when he felt something strange.


He flashed his eyes open and screamed when he saw he was hugging Natsu.

He jumped out of the bed and hugged Lector in disgust.

Had he really slept with Natsu?

For all he knew Natsu himself was starting to wake up slowly.

Natsu yawned stretching his muscular arms.

"Morning Luce" he said with his eyes closed.

He opened his eyes to see Sting.

Confusion rose up his body.

"What the hell?!?!"


Lucy's expression hardened.

"Is there no other way?" She asked sadly.

"I'm afraid not..."

Lucy's heart seemed to shatter.
Without thinking she walked towards Belle giving her a hug.

Belle's eyes widened and she stiffened. Giving in she hugged her great great great great great great great great great great granddaughter. 

"Can I trust you with this?" She asked Lucy with tender eyes.

"Y-yes" Lucy mumbled.

Belle's glowing figure slowly began to fade away along with the barrier


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!

I will see you all in the next chapter "A Song of Power"

Peace out,

Sunlight <3


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